Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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reap all venghino 'Siori venghino.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

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Saturday, March 12, 2011

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and 6 Patrice

" The defense is not only a technical but above all a mental attitude (Karch Kiraly, USA player, Olympic gold in Los Angeles and Seoul in Volleyball and Beach Volleyball in Atlanta).

At this time we are working hard during practice on the provision of the team in defense and we have clearly defined positions that each player deve assumere al momento dell'attacco da parte della squadra avversaria. E' arrivato quindi il momento di fare il punto su questo argomento, per aiutare tutti a memorizzare meglio movimenti e posizioni.

Per la tecnica difensiva propriamente detta rimandiamo a due post pubblicati lo scorso anno: La difesa: note generali e tecnica di base e La difesa: la tecnica del muro , ma ricordiamone qui i pilastri:

  • posizione raccolta e scattante , con il baricentro spostato in avanti , che permette di "uscire" dalla posizione difensiva il più velocemente possibile;
  • rapidità in reaching its position, to stop (it's much easier to defend a stationary or moving!) And look at all costs to catch the ball;
  • rotation to the ball, but not with only his head is the body that rotates with the face, trunk, and feet turned towards the ball;
  • reflexes, responsiveness, speed and courage of arms, especially for players who are responsible for the defense balls on the court;
  • tactical sense, reading skills, advance, travel speed, especially for i giocatori responsabili della difesa sulle palle lunghe;
  • concentrazione, velocità di spostamento, tempismo e coordinazione, soprattutto per i giocatori responsabili della copertura a muro.

Attacco da posto 4 (banda avversaria)

Su attacco della banda avversaria da posto 4, i giocatori in difesa si muovono nella seguente maniera:

Prima linea

  • P1 (l'alzatore di prima linea) va a muro direttamente sulla palla, cercando di murare l'attacco diritto. E' P1 che definisce the position of the wall in two and have to be very precise in taking this position on the ball.
  • C1 (the first-line center) goes to the wall alongside a P1, trying to wall up the long diagonal direction. C1 and P1 must jump as united as possible and with the same time jump (to avoid leaving holes in the wall).
  • B1 (the band's first line) is released quickly from the network, turns to the attack and is strictly diagonally to cover the court and the balls to third place.

Two additional considerations:

  1. if C1 is delayed (eg because it was misled by a false the main opponent) and unable to get to the wall, you have the defense to cover the area and three very short lobs behind the wall;
  2. B1 can take a more long (to zone 4) or shorter (to zone 3 ) in the type of attacks carried out by opponents.

Second line

  • P2 (alzatore the second line) represents the parallel, placing his right foot on the sideline of the field and about 1 meter behind the line of 3 meters. Its task is to defend the attacks lungolinea court and the balls that fall directly behind the wall.
  • C2 (the second-line center) defends along behind the wall (thus remaining in the shadow of the wall). Its task is to defend the ball long and straight that cross the wall. It must also ensure (with good lateral mobility) to cover up attacks along the corners of the field.
  • B2 (the band's second line) represents the diagonal, which is roughly halfway between B1 and C2, so as not to be covered by the wall and seeing the ball well. Its task is to defend the attacks diagonal pass outside the wall. It must also provide coverage on short balls in the midfield.

Again, two more considerations:

  1. the depth of B2 and C2 depend on the type of enemy attacks: attackers who prefer shorter on pallets and placed, the longest on strong attacks;
  2. the P2 position with your right foot on the line facilitates the assessment on the trajectories (the balls that pass on the right foot are out!). Also, keeping your right foot slightly forward of the left, it makes the defense toward the center of the field.

place Attack 2 (opposite opponent)

attack on the opposite opponent to place the situation is exactly 2 reflection, with the exchange of setters and defensive positions between bands.

This defense can be against teams that play only with the setter (and therefore with an opposite role) or against teams that play with a double dribbler in the center, while it is very rare lined up against teams with double dribbler to the right .

place Attack 3 (Central opponent)

attack on the main opponent to the spot 3, the wall is one and the positions are as follows:

First line

  • C1 goes to the wall directly over the ball, looking right wall of the attack.
  • P1 and B1 detach quickly from the network, turn towards the attack and cover the narrow, diagonal balls into the court and placed second to fourth place, in addition to very short balls that fall behind the wall.

Second line

  • C2 defends along the wall behind the ball long and straight and jump over the wall itself. In this case too long to cover the attacks to the corners of the field.
  • P2 and B2 uphold the diagonal position out of the wall, about halfway between P1 and C2 and between C2 and B1. They also give copertura sulle palle corte in mezzo al campo.

" Considero un'offesa ed un torto a me e alla squadra lasciare che una palla tocchi il pavimento senza essermi procurato un'ammaccatura in qualche parte del corpo, nell'estremo tentativo di impedire che ciò accada " (Eric Sato, giocatore USA, oro olimpico nel volley a Seul).

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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* What do you do? The

* but I do not know, really.
And you?
