The facelift is one of aesthetic plastic surgery in the world with more produced the breast and liposuction. However, not all patients are willing to resort to the surgeon to stretch wrinkles and to rejuvenate and fight the signs of aging. Today, the techniques to get a face lift without surgery are there and provide excellent results, with the difference that often are temporary.
While the temporary effects of anti-aging is an evil because we want to resolve once and for all our blemishes, remove wrinkles without having to always go back to the dermatologist or a specialist, from 'the other is a guarantee for us. If the surgery goes wrong, if the effects on our face are not as we wish they were, we know that after a few months everything will be as before. An intervention sbagliato di lifting viso non si corregge, oppure si corregge con un'altra operazione. Ciò rende tutto complicato e ci spaventa. Quindi di nuovo sotto i ferri, nuova anestesia ed un nuovo esborso economico. Ecco perchè stanno prendendo sempre più piede i filler temporanei, quelli che riducono o eliminano le rughe per un tempo prestabilito, che rendono il volto più giovane "a scadenza", dopodichè possono essere fatti nuovamente. Attenzione però a non esagerare a diventare "addicted" come dicono gli americani, ossessivi per i ritocchi.
Vediamo da vicino gli interventi di lifting del viso senza l'utilizzo della chirurgia plastica:
is derived from botulinum toxin, in Italy it is commonly known as "Botox." Poisonous substance that has the ability to paralyze the muscles. Initially, because of this characteristic was used for those who had tics on the face. Once injected into the affected part of the tic botox paralyzes the muscle. By the same token is used throughout the world for aesthetic medicine, to smooth out wrinkles, especially those in the front. The botox paralyzes and relaxes expression lines and wrinkles when injected.
The duration of the 'effect of Botox is about 3-5 months, the costs are very affordable, starting from 150-200 €, it all depends on the amount used.
-Hyaluronic acid:
the actual operation of botox. Is injected into the face where there are no wrinkles, but also the dimples. It 's a filler filler which also gives a sense of fullness to the face. L ' hyaluronic acid is already present in our body and is responsible for the' elasticity of the skin. Again the effects are limited in time, you can also get to 8-10 months. Cost a bit 'higher than the botulinum toxin, a session with hyaluronic acid to improve the appearance of the face costs on average € 500.
Thermage-lifting effect:
is a technique that uses laser and radiofrequency. The laser in this case is used to better secure the collagen in the dermis. The radio frequency is used in dermatology for many years and is a guarantee of success. The prices are higher than thermage botox and hyaluronic acid, are about 1000 € for a seat for the face.
is an orthodontic appliance to the teeth. He invented an English dentist who has registered the name and patent. The specialist said that the facial muscles over time tend to fall as makes the jaw. This decrease causes relaxation of the skin and formation of wrinkles and drooping cheeks. The Oralift is a "bite" to wear an hour a day over time pulls on the jaw causing a facelift.
-creams for the face lifting effect:
on the market now there are hundreds of creams that promise miracles. What is the best cream for the face lifting effect? It is not easy, you should try them all and decide which is best for your face. The trick that we can take at the time of 'purchase is to check the amount of hyaluronic acid present in the same, more is better will yield, although the effects of topical application on the skin are very mild compared to more invasive surgery such as Botox injections or hyaluronic acid.