Friday, December 31, 2010

The Best Of Free Zoophilia


Eppure quella voglia di mettere per iscritto pensieri e parole, incazzature, sogni e macchie mi resta, non va via. Questo blog è ancora qui, nonostante più volte sia andata col cursore sul pulsante "cancella blog". E' qui con tutte le parole scritte, con tutto il passato che si porta addosso. Un po' di passato lo cancello, appena finisco questo post. Mi era venuta l'ansia da prestazione, dover per forza scrivere qualcosa di interessante, di profondo...forse c'era troppa gente che seguiva questo diario non segreto. Adesso tornerà ad essere il mio quaderno degli appunti, magari lasciato un pò in giro, ma senza grosse pretese. Il puro piacere di sentire il ticchettìo delle dita sui tasti.
E buon 2011 a tutti, che il 2010 ha fatto quasi schifo.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Hypertension And Cellulitis

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Maestro Fabricio Nascimento

Nova Uniao Italy

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Spondylosis Dizziness Cervical

Ancora sul Collegato Lavoro: sollevata la questione di costituzionalità

Regarding the provision of Article 32, fifth paragraph of the Law 183-2010 and refraining from developing further consideration, I confine myself to submit to the recent order issued by the Court of Trani, according to the Labour Court, (December 20 2010), who considered admissible and not manifestly unfounded, raised the question of the constitutionality of that provision.
The arguments developed by the judge, in the body of that order, appear to this writer's opinion, legally correct, it deserved full membership.
addition, also seems appropriate to mention the recent ruling of the Court of Busto Arsizio (Case 528-2010) add to the character of the allowance referred to in that provision opening.
Chambers. Vincenzo Caponera Retelegale Rome

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Remy Hair Extensions Sally

Excellent results for the Nova Uniao Italy at the Italian Open 2010 Grappling

Sunday, December 19, under the umbrella of the Sports Hall Veduggio with rape (MB) was held in the Italian Grappling Open 2010.
number of athletes participating in spite of the unfavorable weather. The competition is carried out without too much delay and with a great organization.
Athletes of the Nova Uniao Italy have thrived by showing that the team is always stronger and more united. A special thanks to the instructor Cristian
Migovan the corner that followed all the athletes and of course the Master Fabricio Nascimento that although this was not due to stage the Romanian branch of Nova Uniao, all prepared to perfection. Oss!

Here are the results: 70 kg

3za series
George Noll - 1st place

75 kg 3za series
Pedercini Diego - 1 st place tremendous
David - 3rd
Luca Marullo
- lost in the quarter
Daniel - lost the first match points but has shown good progress since the first match only 75 kg

2nd series
Nicola Ferrari - 2 ° classified

80 kg 2nd series
Paul Cavaciocchi - 2nd place

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why Is My Hair Thinning In The Front

National Report Stage Nova Uniao Italy 11/12/2010

was held Saturday, December 11 at the headquarters of the Nova Uniao Italy in Brescia, the national seminar which brings together all branches of our team.

participation, as always, was very numerous and had too many athletes involved in other martial arts but who regularly frequent stages of Maestro Fabricio Nascimento.
The first part was devoted to a good warm-up, followed by some very interesting techniques explained as always with maniacal precision by the Master that followed one by one all the athletes correct and perfect execution.
It is then passed to the final sparring in which everyone was able to deal with students of other branches belts and higher.
Finally, there were tests for the passage of a degree. Congratulations to all the new belts!

"The rally is not only served to reinforce the technical skills of students and instructors but also to strengthen this family that keeps growing, thanks to the contribution and enthusiasm of all athletes, trainers and especially one who is been able to create a team so successful, and combined what is the Nova Uniao Italy, Maestro Fabricio Nascimento.
To him goes the thanks of all his children (athletes, coaches and friends) because thanks to his professionalism, indisputable technical capacity and August, and above all sympathy is managed to create a formidable team, winning and respected everywhere. Oss Mestre "

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Funny Birthday Titles

Stage Fabricio Nascimento 'Academy of Martial Arts Rimini - 11/17/2010

Great Stage technician Fabricio Nascimento at 's Martial Arts Academy Rimini official seat of the Nova Uniao to Rimini.
Macrelli The instructor Roberto and Team Agonistica di Vale- Tudo ha potuto apprezzare le immense qualità tecniche e fisiche del Maestro Nascimento che ha spiegato esercizi e combinazioni di MMA per oltre dure ore.Oltre 30 atleti dell’ accademia hanno sostenuto un duro allenamento dove si alternavano tecniche in piedi e di Ground’n Pound. Erano presenti anche gli Istruttori Scavone Davide e Luigi insegnanti dell’Accademia Arti Marziali di Forlì.Il Maestro Nascimento periodicamente controlla l’Accademia di Rimini e l’operato del maestro Macrelli,lo sviluppo e la selezione ,della squadra di MMA-Valetudo.Altri stage di Submissione MMA, con il Mastro Nascimento, seguiranno nell’anno accademico 2010-2011.

Intercourse On Camera

Tournament MMA Combat League-11-2010-Grumello28

Successful dell'Nova-Uniao Academy of Martial Arts Tournament in Rimini MMA Fighter Mini Grumello.Il held in Frederick, Macrelli athlete coached by Roberto won the tournament organized by the COMBAT LEAGUE winning a place in the final which is take place in Rimini during the month of Maggio.L 'Rimini athlete after winning the FILA Tournament of submissions in Livorno on 10.17.2010, despite being the lightest in the category -70 kg, 66 kg in weight only accused, they won with two strong wins the Tournament Centre and North of MMA because of its excellent physical condition and his outstanding technical qualities of both feet on the ground.

Semifinal FEDERICO MINI VS Gianni Pennisi
After the first skirmish of hard blows up, the Fighter Rimini executed a perfect Take Down and then impose its domination on the ground and thanks to the excellent Ground'n Pound won the match in less than 1 minute and 30 for technical growth Kotla young athlete's physical-Romagna seemed immediately evident thanks to the work of his instructor MacrelliRoberto and supervision of the Master Fabricio Nascimentoma also spurring continuous with the supervision of experienced boxers and LORIS STICK former WBA world champion ever present 'Academy of Rimini

Final VS FEDERICO MINI Gianluca Pettenati
precedente.Dopo Fighting along the lines of a bloody start up the two contenders ended on the ground have not colpi.Ma spared the superiority of
FEDERICO MINI (nicknamed by the master FORTIGNO Nascimento) in ground combat did not allow his opponent to escape, thanks to the repeated sparring with the Brazilian Mauro Megalites, Jujitsu instructor of the Catholic, all this constantly ' Martial Arts Academy of Rimini and technical advice of the Olympic champion to fight the Greek-Roman collaborator of Maestro Vincenzo Maenza Macrelli.Infatti first took him on the side where the athlete Romagnolo HummerFist hit your opponent with repeated knees to the face and body, It then passes on the mountain where the second shot for over 20 Pettenati forcing the referee to suspend the meeting, handing victory and the title of the Young Fighter 'Accademia Rimini.