Ancora sul Collegato Lavoro: sollevata la questione di costituzionalità
Regarding the provision of Article 32, fifth paragraph of the Law 183-2010 and refraining from developing further consideration, I confine myself to submit to the recent order issued by the Court of Trani, according to the Labour Court, (December 20 2010), who considered admissible and not manifestly unfounded, raised the question of the constitutionality of that provision.
The arguments developed by the judge, in the body of that order, appear to this writer's opinion, legally correct, it deserved full membership.
addition, also seems appropriate to mention the recent ruling of the Court of Busto Arsizio (Case 528-2010) add to the character of the allowance referred to in that provision opening.
Chambers. Vincenzo Caponera Retelegale Rome
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