Monday, January 31, 2011

13 Birthday Invitations

The laughter of colleagues graphics

Sock : Please clean me a little 'this picture? (Among other things, a super shot sentimentalist).
's so beautiful, too bad the mess is ruining it with the background.
Link chart, but certainly well hand me the photo.

is the result. Indeed, the results.
I was going to drown from seizures.

NB: obviously the fifth of boobs that placed me instead of my little guy is a fantasy (but maybe I should not say that).

Friday, January 28, 2011

Combine 1st Birthday And Ba

NOVA UNIAO Roseto degli Abruzzi with Maestro FABRIC NASCIMENTO

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Master Fabricio Nascimento is back in Roseto degli Abruzzi, in the gym ASD New Meeting Street Aso, to find his local team. Waiting for the Brazilian 18 students led by instructor Giampiero D'Egidio.

After a warm full "style Nascimento," the teacher led a stage of brazilian jiu jitsu techniques in dealing with many different situations. He immediately began with the struggle to his feet and with the projections, where Fabricio showed a normal projection may contain several variables in order to work on the position of belted with rollovers and finalization.

Once ashore the Master showed different attacks in the arm. At the end of the stage, after the usual techniques and sparring session, Nascimento took the opportunity to make the first graduation of the rose garden, complimenting the boys to the level reached one year after the foundation of the team Roseto BJJ.

Waiting to return soon to Roseto the teacher wished good luck to the group among whom there are those who will debut this year in bjj and submission of tenders.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Electric Kit For Tricycle

Nova Uniao Submission Cup - March 20, 2011 - San Donà di Piave ( VE)

The Nova Uniao Italy is proud to present the 2011 edition of Nova Uniao Submission Cup, an event which has become in the panorama of Italian competitions of submission.
The competition is open to all athletes of any society.

Location: Palasport Barbazza-Via Unification of Italy, from 12 to 30027 San Dona di Piave (VE)

Men's Series: A / B / C
men's weight categories: 68/78/88 / 98 / +98
Series Women: One
female weight categories: 65 / 75 / +75
Registration: 35 €

information for registration: E-mail: info @ dojodeldrago. it - Cell 3881908412

Premi in denaro per le società classificate!
Ai primi 100 iscritti panini e bibita!

What Is The Radius Of The Large Circle?

Stage Master Fabricio Nascimento - Pescara - 29/01/2011

Rubbing Cocaine On Your Gums

Let us not forget that

And I wonder every time if it happened for real.
beyond all human imagination and assumptions of dignity.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Meagan Good Hair Sewn

Stage Master Fabricio Nascimento - L'Aquila - 28/01/2011

How Much Sports Psychologist Is Get Paid


I reason about possible demonstrations and endless frustration.
I become touchy as a macaque.
And I'm fighting with others aggression.

Fatigue Faticoni.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ikea Lots Mirror Removes Paint

Pride and seduction techniques

not because he is my nephew and we very much look alike and have the same serious eyes and nose, the same French not because the child is more beautiful, quiet and obedient in Italy, not because it bears the same surname ... but objectively Niccolo ', almost 11 years (February 29, which is only every four years, then tell me that is not special) was really cool of a large baby.
And a few days ago I hide the theft, the last page of the book of Italian (I forgot it's also brilliant at school, the teachers continually fill it with kisses).
I ask him "Nico, what do you do?". He said, "Oh, auntie, I do not want to look at the last page" (... the transparency of the babies!).
how to put the wolf in the den of the lamb, in fact. So you expect us at the table with his grandmother who fills him with tortellini and I live on the last page infamous sling.
With writing and uncharacteristically chubby women see the declaration of love made in fifth grade most beautiful story.
"You're cute, you're OK, you're the boyfriend that I would."
Even my aunt, I think. What a cool
my nephew, Holy God.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Cloud Strife Cosplay Wig

Report: Pro Jiu Jitsu World Trials 2011 Lisbon

Partiti in 8 dall'Italia siamo tornati con 3 medaglie dai Trail di Lisbona.
La partenza ha visto da subito protagonista il Mestre Fabricio, che attardato dai mezzi pubblici e irraggiungibile causa il telefono scarico, veniva dato ormai per perso ma con grande sorpesa ci raggiungeva nel tunnel di imbarco !!!
Il giorno della gara , arrivati al palazzetto della manifestazione, ci rendiamo subito conto dell'importanza dell'evento . La nostra truppa è formata da Stefano"Urso", Manuel"Maluco",Rodrigo , Claudio "Clod", Veronica"Pitt" , Lino , e Diego e al comando il Mestre Fabricio.
Competizione iniziata male con l'eliminazione subito di Diego, Lino e Maluco, è la volta poi di Clod che si ferma alla semifinale conquistando un bronzo seguito dai due argenti di Veronica che perde la finale dopo averla dominata e Rodrigo che si deve fermare per infortunio alla spalla. Ultimi a salire sul tatami sono Fabricio e Orso nella categoria cinture nere ma entrambi sconfitti per un vantaggio a zero con un americano e un francese. Master Nascimento expressed his satisfaction that the test team is already planning to go to Lonrda in March to try to pull a ticket to Abu Dhabi.

Source: Bear's Dojo Blog

Volleyball Shoes Lime Green


thank reflections On Air that brought me here.
Today the only sound of the word appeasement I produces retching and temperature extremes. And so condescending, sympathetic, forgiving, tolerant . But
più di tutti sono incazzata nera con l’accondiscendenza eccessiva, la carineria, le farfalle che volano, pizzi e merletti.
Sono incazzata con tutti, anche con il nostro Presidente del Consiglio, di cui il solo digitare il nome mi fa infuocare la tastiera; sono furente con la totale assenza di impermeabilità del mio io in queste giornate di nebbia.
E a proposito di nebbia, ieri sera ho guidato per 30 km in un muro bianco di condensa, è stato giocare a mosca cieca, giuro, il vuoto percettivo. C’eravamo io e lei, la nebbia, di cui conosco così bene ogni reazione da volerle quasi bene. Poi il suo odore mi eccita. Chiedilo a un pugliese, chennesò, o a un romano. Mica la possono amare la nebbia loro.
Oggi are on a roller coaster. Indeed, in the mountains fighting.
I'm really pissed off.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Free Clips Of Jesse Jane

Serious Dances

Reflection extemporaneous and without sense, I realize.

But the injustices of life there are those who desperately wants a son and he can not.
If you are a woman, in love, still childless and with activity in the ovaries, you will understand this thought fluttering.
Otherwise, maybe, maybe not.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Eat Drink And Be Married And Other Sayings

Nova Uniao Italy to the Abu Dhabi World Trials in Portugal!

The Nova Uniao Italy will be present to Abu Dhabi World Trials to be held in Portugal the January 15, 2011 . The athletes that will participate are:

Fabricio Nascimento, Stefano Meneghel, Manuel Molina, Lino Antonini, Rodrigo da Silva, Claudio Rizzioli, Diego Pedercini and Veronica PE.

Good competition at all! Oss!

5 Weeks Pregnant Smelly Urine

Nova Uniao Italy!

Combine 1st Birthday And Baptism

Stage Master Fabricio Nascimento at Pisa - Saturday, January 22, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Watch Family Guy On Quiktime

E-book to me!

Thinking, instill, not the tool of the devil then I thought.
do not have many spaces of free time to read, so I find myself devouring books in the evening, before bed, and on the train when I go and I come from the village. Sometimes, especially when I'm about to take the train, I look good I'm reading the book, I feel the weight of the bag I'm taking closely, and give up thinking, oh well, it's an hour I'll make music in your ears and the time pass. At other times, in bed, I get tired neck or wrists. And for those who sleep in the company, the small light lit on the table can be bothersome to ronfatore.
The e-book readers are lightweight, will weigh 100 grams and will not, have their own light, you can put On the Stock Exchange are not huge and easy to use.
Let us also label the cause: do not cut trees (ok ... um ... use electricity). Let
the economic factor, it is true that a player still costs around 150 €, minimum, but e-books cost about half of a paper book.

remains the emotional factor. That move the fingers on one page read and reread, that color of ink on paper grain, the wall full of shelves packed with books.

that shelf full of vinyl.

That smell oil for the lamps.

The slowness of the truck.


And if we can move forward without abandoning il passato? Un po' e un po'?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Shirts To Wear To Baby Shower

How to reduce the risk of miscarriage with amniocentesis, using antibiotics

L'amniocentesi, il controllo che si effettua per le donne incinta per prevenire parti ad esempio di bimbi Down, presenta una cera dose di rischio per la gestante. After the removal of amniotic fluid may break the membrane or the same infected following the trauma of 'needle insertion.
To reduce the chance of miscarriage is good use of antibiotics before the 'intervention. This was revealed by Paul Scollo, vice president of the Italian Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SIGO), which quantifies the decrease in the percentage of risk of abortion is raised from 1% to from 0.3 to 0.5%.

Why take antibiotics before 'amniocentesis?
" used to combat the bacteria that normally colonize the female genital tract, even during the pregnancy and, taking advantage of the moment prelievo del liquido amniotico, possono causare infezioni al liquido stesso, determinando di conseguenza la rottura del sacco amniotico in cui è contenuto il bambino ", rileva lo specialista.

Il rischio di aborto legato all'amniocentesi, infatti, non dipende strettamente dal prelievo in se stesso‚ ma è soprattutto connesso all'eventualità che il liquido si infetti, nei giorni immediatamente successivi.

Lo studio Italiano APGA Trial, ha aggiunto Scollo, " ha valorizzato il ruolo dell'antibiotico profilassi prima dell'amniocentesi del secondo trimestre riducendo di circa il 50% il rischio di aborti, e dopo la pubblicazione dello studio many centers have begun to take antibiotics to pregnant women who intended to undergo amniocentesis .

Taking preventive antibiotics " is not dangerous for the baby as the active ingredient accumulates mainly in the membranes and amniotic from here, not being able to overcome the barrier of the placenta to the fetus comes in very few quantities .