Friday, January 28, 2011

Combine 1st Birthday And Ba

NOVA UNIAO Roseto degli Abruzzi with Maestro FABRIC NASCIMENTO

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Master Fabricio Nascimento is back in Roseto degli Abruzzi, in the gym ASD New Meeting Street Aso, to find his local team. Waiting for the Brazilian 18 students led by instructor Giampiero D'Egidio.

After a warm full "style Nascimento," the teacher led a stage of brazilian jiu jitsu techniques in dealing with many different situations. He immediately began with the struggle to his feet and with the projections, where Fabricio showed a normal projection may contain several variables in order to work on the position of belted with rollovers and finalization.

Once ashore the Master showed different attacks in the arm. At the end of the stage, after the usual techniques and sparring session, Nascimento took the opportunity to make the first graduation of the rose garden, complimenting the boys to the level reached one year after the foundation of the team Roseto BJJ.

Waiting to return soon to Roseto the teacher wished good luck to the group among whom there are those who will debut this year in bjj and submission of tenders.


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