Monday, August 24, 2009

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The fruit of hypocrisy - Doctors Without Borders

Indagine di Medici Senza Frontiere sulle condizioni di vita e di lavoro dei lavoratori stagionali impiegati in agicoltura nel Sud Italia.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

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What is scabies, contagious disease

Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by a parasite in 'skin, a mite, Sarcoptes scabiei. Scabies has been known since ancient times: the presence of a pet in the skin lesions was probably known to Aristotle, was in 1834 that a student course, Renucci, demonstrated in front of famous doctors in the most glorious Paris hospital of skin diseases, the presence of the parasite in the epidermal lesions.

How did, how he lives and spread the parasite scabies? It has an ovoid body, flat, yellowish, with four pairs of legs, some equipped with suction cups, other brushes. It's great, "the 0.8 to 0.4 mm. The male is smaller than the female: it measures about half. The female, which mainly was responsible for the infection, proceeds under the outer layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, forming galleries or tunnels. Lays from two to five eggs a day, from which in the space of seven or eight days the larvae are born they leave the burrow and nest in tiny cells on the skin surface. The larvae have three pairs of legs turn into nymphs, which after 2 'mutations' parasites become adults, males and females. The parasites leave during the day but especially at night, their homes and wander to the skin during these wanderings discovered the male and female mates. The complete cycle from egg to egg lasts 28 days.

the latency period between infection and onset of illness varies from a few days to several weeks. The first sign is itching a violent, unbearable during the night at the excursions of the parasites. Initially it was presumably located on the site of infection, then quickly became more widespread, but sparing the face, scalp and neck. It is common for itching interest other members of the family or community, is a very useful alarm bell that should be carefully evaluated. The eruption consists of two types of injury:
a) Injury, not specific: it is small rilevatezze (papules), red, peeling and covered with scabs blood serum. The streaks from scratching are few, certainly less than those of infestioni lice. Sometimes you see urticarial and eczematous lesions.
b) injury specific are not always obvious, should seek patiently and methodically. They are the 'tunnels or burrows, "dug by the female in his path in the stratum corneum. These lines winding, often interrupted, for as if they were drawn from the tip of a pencil. Are long by half an inch, gray-brown. In the gallery at one end there is a rilevatezza: mites in the eminence where the parasite, which can be flush with a fine needle, the rest of the burrow is occupied by eggs, maggots and excrement. The other injuries
specific vesicles are pearly, transparent, not detected, mostly localized in the interdigital spaces and less specific gallerie.Le site of the lesions are characteristic: the spaces between the toes, the palms, soles, armpits, breasts, pcriombelicale the region, the glans. The face is always free and the back is generally respected.

Scabies must be tackled very vigorously and promptly, and there is, in fact, no hope that it will heal on its own, in the long run even if the patient can be led to believe, intensity decreases because the itchiness. The complications
frequent infections with pyogenic bacteria and eczema, which are implanted with ease on scabby lesions. Treatment for scabies is pharmacological solutions containing lindane, benzyl benzoate, permethrin 5%, an important disinfection of clothing.

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The count of red blood cells and globuli bianchi

Under normal conditions in the blood of 'men are from 4.8000000 to 5.4000000 of red blood cells (erythrocytes) per cubic millimeter and in the blood of women is slightly lower: 4.2000000 to 4.8000000. This value, however, is not constant: it may vary in some states is that, while not an expression of a morbid state, are a special situation where you will find the body (physiological conditions) is definitely in some pathological conditions. An increase in red blood cells occurs when the individual performs such muscle strain, when subjected to sudden increases in temperature or a decrease in atmospheric pressure, or when it is in particular emotional states, a decrease of red blood cells you have, however, when increases the atmospheric pressure.
These changes represent a body's response to particular situations, so (Piandiscò cease the conditions that led to the reduction or increase in red blood cells, their numbers more or less rapidly returns to normal.
also causes pathological concentration of red cells may move away from the average values, increasing or decreasing.
An increase can be seen, for example, in individuals who suffer from emphysema or other respiratory disorders that prevent a perfect oxygenation of the blood, or who have congenital malformations of the heart, or are poisoned by chemicals ( arsenic, phosphorus, etc.).. A remarkable number of red blood cells you have in polyglobulia, a disease caused by an alteration of the bone marrow that produces an enormous amount of red blood cells in some cases, even if they are found 14 million per cubic millimeter.
A reduction of erythrocytes occurs but in those diseases which are known by the name of anemia. However, their value can not fall below a certain limile: seems that the minimum number of red blood cells compatible with life is around 1 million per cubic millimeter.

white blood cell count: The value
normal white blood cell (WBC) is 5000-10000 per cubic millimeter of blood. The methods of sampling and counting are similar to those used for red blood cells. As for red blood cells, the number of leukocytes can vary both in physiological and in pathological conditions. A physiological increase of white blood cells (leukocytosis), we have to example in pregnancy, during childbirth, the period of menstruation or in response to particular moods (fear, pain, etc.).. Leukocytosis, this time as an expression of disease states, it can also be found in leukemia, and in some infectious diseases and infections.
Other infectious diseases cause a decrease instead of leukocytes (leukopenia) and the same situation is found in following the action detrimental to physical or chemical agents on the bone marrow (as is the case with X-rays and benzene).

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Che cos'è l'enuresi notturna o incontinenza notturna

What 's also called nocturnal enuresis nocturnal incontinence? It is the definition of a medical term situation relatively common in childhood, namely, the issue of involuntary and unconscious urine, which occurs most often during sleep.
This is a crowd psychogenic in nature, since in most cases the urinary tract is perfectly intact and urination is done in a normal manner while impaired or even missing is the mental control for which this act becomes voluntary and physiological conscious.

the mechanisms that regulate urination: urine, continuously excreted by the kidneys, leads, through the ureters into the bladder where it collects, until at a certain amount, does not sound out with the 'voluntary act of urination. Under normal conditions in adults, when you feel the urge to urinate, the act shall be withheld until it takes the right conditions for its implementation. This is achieved continence with voluntary control of the budget of two muscles: the sphincter muscle, whose fibers arranged in a ring around the urethra and bladder outlet remains tight ensure perfect sealing of the globe bladder, and the detrusor that normally relaxed , goes into action when the accumulation of urine, distention of the bladder wall exceeds a certain limit, then it contracts strongly as to squeeze the bladder, while the sphincter relaxes and the urine comes out.
the newborn have not yet developed the neural mechanisms for which voluntary urination is inhibited, so that when the tension of the bladder stimulates the detrusor to contract, the child immediately becomes wet.
Up to a certain age then enuresis is a physiological fact. From the second year of life, especially under the influence of education, gradually creating the mechanism of inhibition by which the voluntary sphincter tone increases and the detrusor decreases. Control over bladder muscles, the exercise becomes automatic and spontaneous, and urination becomes possible only when the will allows.
is easy to understand what happens in an individual during sleep: the progressive distension of the bladder wall increases la contrazione dello sfintere e inibisce il detrusore; tuttavia, raggiunto il grado di massimo riempimento vescicale, la minzione diventa inevitabile, e poiché è ormai un atto volontario e cosciente, non si compie nel sonno, ma il desiderio di urinare provoca il risveglio.
Questo meccanismo nel bambino, si sviluppa gradualmente in un tempo variabile da soggetto a soggetto e in rapporto a vari fattori sia psicologici sia ambientali; il controllo volontario della minzione durante il giorno è abbastanza precoce, mentre agli inizi sfugge nelle ore notturne, fino a che, acquisito un automatismo sufficiente, il bambino non bagnerà piu' il letto. Quando il normale processo evolutivo si arresta, il controllo della minzione rimane incompleto and, according to the stage of development reached by the subject, there are more forms' or less serious, among them is nocturnal enuresis. It is the case less worrying, as usually heals before puberty.

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Il metabolismo degi zuccheri

sugars or carbohydrates or carbohydrates are chemicals made up of three main elements: carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Into the body they serve two distinct functions: first, are mainly used for energy purposes, ie to produce immediate or long distance chemical energy during the process of demolition of their molecules, and secondly the simpler sugars, properly modified aggregate into long chains to form macromolecules, called mucopolysaccharides , which, combined with proteins, are the mucoproteins. The mucoproteins are the main constituents of the so-called ground substance, that is the substance that fills the spaces existing in the connective tissue between a cell and another and between the fibers.
carbohydrates therefore have also a support function in various organs, returning to that effect in the group of substances called plastic that is stablili constituents of living matter. In the feeding
normal carbohydrates are mainly introduced into the body with the foods of plant origin, the only animal food in cui queste sostanze sono presenti in quantità apprezzabile è il latte.
Per essere assorbiti dall'organismo, gli zuccheri devono essere trasformati durante la digestione in monosaccaridi, cioè negli zuccheri semplici che li costituiscono. In pratica, alla fine del processo digestivo, tutti i carboidrati introdotti sono stati trasformati in glucosio, che rappresenta il punto di partenza per le due vie di utilizzazione metabolica dei carboidrati: quella a scopo energetico e quella a scopo plastico.
Allo scopo di ricavare energia, le cellule degli organismi viventi degradano il glucosio fino a dare anidride carbonica e acqua. Esse utilizzano il loro combustibile di elezione,il glucosio, ricevendolo dal sangue arterioso, e hanno inoltre la possibilità di mantenerne una certa quantità come combustibile di riserva, condensato sotto forma di granuli di glicogeno. Qualora il tessuto abbia bisogno di bruciare glucosio, il glicogeno viene scisso e libera grandi quantità del composto richiesto.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

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Gli esami per l'occhio:schiascopia, oftalmometria e tonometria

Gli esami per l'occhio sonomolto importanti e complessi. Bisogna pensare infatti che l'occhio non solo è un diottro composto (cioè formato da una camera oscura alla quale sono anteposti m stemi di lenti) di cui bisogna misurare l'indice di rifrazione, ma è anche un organo cavo riempito di liquidi trasparenti (umor acqueo e umor vitreo) che presenta una certa pressione, mantenuta da un continuo ricambio dell'umor vapor, which, therefore, one must know the exact pressure and because of its alterations.
You must also review the back of the eye, with special equipment, since it is not visible to the naked eye. In order to examine everything you need different equipment, which of course are not all used in every eye examination, but now one, now another, according to information obtained by history and that the specialist examination in daylight.

examination of refraction - is the examination which serves to establish the functioning of the eye from the visual point of view. We begin by measuring the length of the anterior-posterior eye (We know that in a myopic eye the anterior-posterior axis is longer than normal, while in a hyperopic eye the anterior-posterior axis is shorter), then measuring the refractive index of the cornea on the various axes, for to determine the presence of a possible astigmatism.

The schiascopìa - The word derives from greek and means "examination of the shadow." To implement this test is used a plane mirror with a central hole, a light bulb, at the side of the patient and a straight edge of lenses. If you look at the pupil of the patient through the mirror, the reflected light is uniform. If, however, gives the mirror a movement back and forth, the pupil is invaded by a shadow that starts first, and progressively invades the other end. If the shadow follows its movements in the movement of the mirror, the eye is considered emmetropic or hyperopic, running a reverse movement the eye is myopic.
To determine the refractive index is sufficient to put before the eye lenses of progressively more powerful that will be positive if the shadow follows the movement of the mirror, negative if it goes in the opposite direction, until the shadow reverses the journey. The exact refractive index is determined by the number of diopters of the lens that was less than a diopter reverse the shadow, in the case of positive lenses, and is determined by the number of diopters of the lens which makes the reverse shadow in the case of negative lenses.

The ophthalmometers - By means of this survey measures the curvature of the front surface of the cornea. In some cases, the cornea does not appear as a segment of a sphere, but has different radii of curvature on two perpendicular meridians. This alteration causes the defect that refractive astigmatism. By measuring the curvature of the front surface of the cornea and consequently deterioration of its curvature, is implemented by means of ophthalmometers. These measure the curvature of taking into account the distance at which the two aims should be placed on the support hemispheric light, because their reflection on the cornea can be seen in contact.

Ophthalmoscopy - With this test you can see the back of the eye and appreciate all the changes that may occur against the carpet retinal vessels of the papilla and the macula lutea.

tonometry - The eye is an organ in which it has a continuous supply of a transparent liquid content, ie the aqueous humor. We know that an alteration in the absorption or production of this fluid increases the eye pressure and can lead to serious deterioration of the optic nerve, as occurs in glaucoma. To measure the tone (ie the pressure) of the eye using special devices called tonometry.
The instrument consists of a hollow cylinder, whose lower end is shaped like a cup. Inside this cylinder, it runs another, whose upper end is loaded with weights of known value. The high end is in contact with a lever that controls a lancet. After anesthetized, the eye rests on the cornea cupped portion of the instrument. It is clear that the more the eye pressure is high, much less the inner cylinder can depress the cornea and vice versa. The level of depression is viewed on a graduated scale, this value is, with a specific table, converted to millimeters of mercury. Endobulbare pressure ranges between 18 and 20 mm Hg.