Sunday, August 9, 2009

Navy Eod Mortality Rate

What is scabies, contagious disease

Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by a parasite in 'skin, a mite, Sarcoptes scabiei. Scabies has been known since ancient times: the presence of a pet in the skin lesions was probably known to Aristotle, was in 1834 that a student course, Renucci, demonstrated in front of famous doctors in the most glorious Paris hospital of skin diseases, the presence of the parasite in the epidermal lesions.

How did, how he lives and spread the parasite scabies? It has an ovoid body, flat, yellowish, with four pairs of legs, some equipped with suction cups, other brushes. It's great, "the 0.8 to 0.4 mm. The male is smaller than the female: it measures about half. The female, which mainly was responsible for the infection, proceeds under the outer layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, forming galleries or tunnels. Lays from two to five eggs a day, from which in the space of seven or eight days the larvae are born they leave the burrow and nest in tiny cells on the skin surface. The larvae have three pairs of legs turn into nymphs, which after 2 'mutations' parasites become adults, males and females. The parasites leave during the day but especially at night, their homes and wander to the skin during these wanderings discovered the male and female mates. The complete cycle from egg to egg lasts 28 days.

the latency period between infection and onset of illness varies from a few days to several weeks. The first sign is itching a violent, unbearable during the night at the excursions of the parasites. Initially it was presumably located on the site of infection, then quickly became more widespread, but sparing the face, scalp and neck. It is common for itching interest other members of the family or community, is a very useful alarm bell that should be carefully evaluated. The eruption consists of two types of injury:
a) Injury, not specific: it is small rilevatezze (papules), red, peeling and covered with scabs blood serum. The streaks from scratching are few, certainly less than those of infestioni lice. Sometimes you see urticarial and eczematous lesions.
b) injury specific are not always obvious, should seek patiently and methodically. They are the 'tunnels or burrows, "dug by the female in his path in the stratum corneum. These lines winding, often interrupted, for as if they were drawn from the tip of a pencil. Are long by half an inch, gray-brown. In the gallery at one end there is a rilevatezza: mites in the eminence where the parasite, which can be flush with a fine needle, the rest of the burrow is occupied by eggs, maggots and excrement. The other injuries
specific vesicles are pearly, transparent, not detected, mostly localized in the interdigital spaces and less specific gallerie.Le site of the lesions are characteristic: the spaces between the toes, the palms, soles, armpits, breasts, pcriombelicale the region, the glans. The face is always free and the back is generally respected.

Scabies must be tackled very vigorously and promptly, and there is, in fact, no hope that it will heal on its own, in the long run even if the patient can be led to believe, intensity decreases because the itchiness. The complications
frequent infections with pyogenic bacteria and eczema, which are implanted with ease on scabby lesions. Treatment for scabies is pharmacological solutions containing lindane, benzyl benzoate, permethrin 5%, an important disinfection of clothing.


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