Friday, September 18, 2009

Thing To Mastebate With

tumors in the mouth , tips to avoid

Di tutti i tumori che colpiscono gli uomini il 4% si sviluppano nel cavo orale mentre nelle donne l'incidenza e dell' 1%. Per sensibilzzare i cittadini a questo tipo di neoplasia è in corso la terza edizione dell'Oral Cancer Day organizzato dall'Associazione nazionale dentisti italiani (Andi), che si concluderà il 22 settembre 2009,si daranno consigli per evitare l'insorgenza dei tumori alla bocca.Inoltre was made available a toll-free dentists, 800911202.
In the UK, mouth cancer cases increased by 28% in men around 40 years and 20% in young people up to 30 years, all due to 'abuse of' alcohol.
In recent years the death rate is slowly but steadily increasing in all age groups and follows that of lung cancer, with which it shares some of the causes. But, if discovered in time, this type of cancer is easily curable in 90% of cases. Be aware, however, that the risk of oral cancer is 6 to 28 times higher in smokers and increases if it is associated with the consumption of alcolici.La prevention, good oral hygiene healthy lifestyles and are therefore at the base to prevent the onset of the disease. These tips

Andi dentists to prevent oral cancer and cancers of the mouth: 1) diet rich in fruits and vegetables, low fat
2) quit smoking
3) avoid drinking hard liquor on a regular basis and do not consume wine outside food
4) Do not smoke or drink alcohol while on the same day
5) Maintain a healthy mouth and well maintained and for this reason see a dentist regularly. In particular, the old prosthesis and / or inappropriate to be redone
6) introspect mouth regularly, but be careful: check the whole mouth, up and down language, the side of the tongue, cheeks, palate until all'ugola
7) If in the mouth lesions appear as white spots or plaques and / or red, chronic wounds that do not tend to heal, and bad teeth or gums swollen or sick, seek medical advice for accurate diagnosis
8) specialist, or if diagnosed with a precancerous lesion chronic propose to remove it: do not refuse
9) Persons over 40 (mostly male) who smoke and or consume alcohol daily and spirits or do not have a mouth care must undergo each year to visit regularly for prevention.


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