Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Where Can I Buy A Snoop Dogg Blue Bandana Jacket?

Versamento dei contributi sindacali a favore delle organizzazioni non firmatarie: una ulteriore conferma

The Court of Rome, 2644-2010 with the ruling, confirmed the address giuresprudenziale (of which we took note in the previous note) that recognizes the full usability for the purposes of payment of contributions by unions, in favor of non- signatory of the institution of credit transfer.
In fact, the Presidential Decree 180-1950, as news, not by banning the sale of the usability of the institution, we only put in place a different regulation of the supply of credit, depending on the cause of the sale is attributable to the payment of cash or loans to pay other debts.
In this regard, the Court of Rome, making the exegesis of that DPR, lucidly observes:
"the new legislation has therefore introduced a general ban on the supply of credit to pay ... but nature has only made more rigid for employees, public and private, in relation to supplies of duisciplina salary aimed extinction of cash borrowings to the clear order to counter the phenomenon of wear. The assumption of the loan is not, however, the only possible assignment of the claim, as shows the prediction
...". Article 52 In light of that decision, can therefore be regarded as guidance giuresprudenziale majority recognizes that, despite the validity of the News DPR 180 of 1950, the usability of the instrument of transfer, for the payment of union contributions to those organizations that have failed to sign the National Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Legal Network Rome Vincenzo Caponera

Friday, February 19, 2010

Cervical Mucus At 5 Weeks

awful, awful, the witches are back! Funny Scene from the past

This I hope will be the last post "sentimental," because when the problems started with my former have become boring to myself.
After that story ended, badly, probably because of compensation, I found myself in the arms of a type still mentally in the early 50's when these parts are still believed that to go to bed a woman had to court her, as if the physical demands were not equal for both men and women. This mingling has left me on a little sadness, a bit of disappointment (as if that was not enough left me on the history from which I was leaving), but at least I was further away, mentally and emotionally from my ex . And so I say it's really over. But enough is enough. I do not need
di compensare alcunchè, se avrò voglia di massaggi e coccole credo che ricorrerò a un centro benessere (non come Bertolaso, intendiamoci), se avrò voglia di compagnia ricorrerò ai miei adorati amici. Per il resto sono assolutamente indipendente dall'affetto maschile, e preferisco per un bel pò tornare a "sentire" gli uomini come qualche anno fa, prima della mia "storia importante", senza dargli troppo peso, troppa importanza. Prendere quello che capita, se capita, quando capita, con tutta la leggerezza possibile. E trovarmi un amico di letto.
Alzata con pugno is back!

Monday, February 8, 2010

It Feela Like Stomach Acid Is Burning My Throa

The body scanner is bad for your health

The body scanner is bad for your health, the new X-ray inspection system already installed in some airports would be detrimental and passengers should be warned of the risks to be exposed to high levels of radiation. The Bloomberg reveals that emphasizes pregnant women and children should not pass through the body scanner .
L'Inter Agengy statunitense che si occupa della sicurezza sul territorio si difende affermando che le dosi di radiazione sono " estremamente basse " ma il dottore inglese Michael Clark raggiunto telefonicamente suggerisce che " ci sono un po' di dubbi circa il fatto che i raggi x del sistema backscatter 3d siano bassi ". "La questione è che se anche le dosi fossero basse c'è ancora la necessità per alcuni paesi di giustificare queste esposizioni ".
Il bodyscanner con tecnologia 3d backscatter fornisce un'imagine tridimensionale in 8 secondi di una persona che passa attraverso la macchina. Questa tecnologia ha però sollevato anche problemi di privacy, produce immagini of the naked body. According to the
bodyscanner release less radiation than that absorbed during a flight. The passenger "scanned" from 0.1 to 5 microsieverts absorb radiation compared to 30 in which prenderebe Frankoforte a flight from Bangkok. The airports of Amsterdam, Heathrow and Manchester are those in Europe have installed the bodyscanner or plan to do so.