Friday, February 25, 2011

Military Grade Watches

Stage Master Fabricio Nascimento at Nova Uniao Lucca - March 8, 2011

Milena Velba Daughter


Each of us is different people working there who study those who are so young that they have made a few more steps in life and who has already made close to someone, everyone has dreams, expectations and desires, but all of us gathered here have one thing in common FAMILY we are all part of something greater than ourselves, something that differs from the personal skills and individual results UNIAO ITALY THE NOVA.

Thanks to our Master Fabricio Nascimento we find ourselves still here ready to sweat to learn from him and we are prepared to walk along the path he has traced for us and we are confident that this path will take us far. Each workout

gives us something new every workout takes us deeper and deeper lungo la via che abbiamo scelto. E’ duro seguire i passi del Maestro, sono faticosi e spesso non è facile essere costanti, essere presenti ma siamo qui , e lo saremo anche domani perché abbiamo scelto non solo uno sport uno stile di vita ma abbiamo scelto di far parte di una famiglia “NOVA UNIAO ITALIA”

Spero che vederci qui sempre nonostante gli infortuni gli allenamenti e le sconfitte e ultimamente le numerose vittorie sia una ricompensa per quello che ci viene dato dal nostro maestro

Grazie Maestro per aver creduto in ognuno di noi e per avere la pazienza di insegnare ad ognuno quello che tu hai nel cuore.

NOVA UNIAO ITALIA !!!!!!!!!!!!

Grazie anche ai nostri Maestri Massimo Miozzo e Francesco Ferronato che continuano a darci la possibilità di crescere e di imparare un arte così completa e bellissima.

Nova Uniao San Dona di Piave-Dojo del Drago Team

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Much Foam Pit Cast

Stage Master Fabricio Nascimento - Termoli (CB) - March 6, 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No Sirve El Sig6 En Windowsblinds

A laugh will bury us?

laugh sparingly, by which I can remember.
always smile, I giggle escapes even the thousand times a day, but the laughter leaking, no one. E 'for the few intimate moments of life.
That is, not I'm serious. I am a friendly clown, the first to tell, tell, convey a sense of desire . But when it comes to laugh, is not automatic that I come to do so madly madly out-of-control, while all, however, seem on the verge of fainting.
And a little 'I envy these people, those who are fat and contagious laugh and seem to enjoy a casino at least ten times a day.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Deep Penetration Vids

Stage Master Fabricio Nascimento - Pescara - 02.24.2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

Htc Stock Symbol 2010

I would not swear, but I can not avoid crowds

Torno ora da una cena bellissima con tre delle mie più care amiche di quella che fu la passata giovinezza.
Due bambini sono già usciti dalle loro pance, li guardavo dondolare incerti tra le sedie ed il tavolo. Lì, veri, fatti di piccoli denti e scoregge e bavette.

Merda , pensavo.
Ieri a fare compere in Montagnola a Bologna, oggi qua con carne delle loro carne.
Io ci provo a riassumere tutto questo con una parola elegante, ma mi esce solo merda .
Tanta tantissima merda, stupore, merda bellissima.
Io mi sento ancora sedicenne e non ci posso pensare che siamo già mamme, già grandi, già enta.

Solar Christmas Wreath

Training Nova Uniao Italy - Saturday, February 26, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Irritation And Itchiness After Brazilian Wax

Last night I dreamed that a group of friends were following Silvio, the length and breadth of Italy, to frighten him.
Now, I feel like saying, if I had to chase Berlusca with all that energy that I used tonight for sure not only to scare him. Maybe I'll even put you on some magic potion for diarrhea lasting, a bit 'of abuse (I know, not civil, but they are human), an arrest in a big way. In short, something more meaningful.
But tonight we just wanted to make him afraid. Satisfaction that we are successful: the rivers of the ear mumbled unintelligible words (do you remember when Harry Potter talk to snakes?) demonic, guttural voice whispered, looking at him with bulging eyes and foaming at the mouth. Terrible, and in fact he cagava below. It cagava under a great deal.
I woke heart pounding, the supernatural scares me. But as I laughed, later, at dead of night, recalling the terror in his eyes.

Second round: they are in the country, but not a normal campaign. A world full of cartoon cats, crows, children climbing trees and straw that stings the feet. I ride a bit and are in the studios of Capital Radio, I request a song and they force me to choose another.

Thank goodness it's Friday. I am a bit 'Stanchina. Dear

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The North Face Bags Counterfeit

Night Letter to the omelet Colestrolo


my name is Socks and I know that there is no need for me to introduce myself further, given that invade my way every day with your blood leaking fat, dense and full of delicacies of Emilia, who knows where that take them, because for years I'm trying to conclude our intense love story and greasy. My
Colly is not enough to eat only vegetables for lunch and plain give up cheese, the fried dumplings (IL dumpling, not the dumpling, if you live between Bologna and Modena, dear Colly, this is the norm) and my sausage adoratissimi . Col Okay, okay, but the ham can not. I really love him, we've been together for a lifetime, you can not ask this is my sexy friend of palate. Dear Col, you're also arrived to 390 mg of sympathy, dear Col, now that you are at 239 and there is the asterisk next to your friend keep you company, please Colly, be merciful. What do I do now? Pirouettes and prizes? And you can put a good little word to your task LDL? We do quieted a little bit?

Colestrolo Dear, I kneel in front of such great power, I humbly ask forgiveness and mercy glossy, please leave me in peace to enjoy some small pleasure, Colly Colly, I do not know what to do.

Untamente, bubbling oil

your socks.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Non Irritating Deodorant For Men


Venerdì 28 gennaio 2001, il Maestro Fabricio Nascimento è tornato nella sua filiale de L'Aquila presso la palestra Sporting Center. Dopo il discorso iniziale con importanti rivelazioni, la lezione ha preso il via. Il riscaldamento è quello di sempre, man mano sempre più intenso and full of classic Brazilian. Projections, the key to the arm, strangulation, filled the two hours of "hard" training under the watchful eye of the Master. Corrections continuous pursuit of precision and fluidity of movement. At the end of the stage, after the sparring session there was an examination of graduation. A teacher soon and as always thanks for availability!

What Does Plaque Look Like

Stage Master Fabricio Nascimento Macerata - February 16, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mucus Relief Dm Overdose


It 's a thing that every time I leave incredulos.

You're right, objectively, then at some point you turn over the way they want - because they are skilled teachers in doing so engaged for years in the art sublime - and you get a cork in your mouth without being able to say even quiquoqua.

Bravo Bravo, this turnaround of cake. Later Iper
step in to stock up on fresh eggs.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Discharge In Underwear

If not now, when?

The thrill of seeing thousands of women like me to participate.
Freedom is participation.

And if, as always, this time will not help mobilize, at least we can feel proud of having extensively tested.

Friday, February 11, 2011

How Much I Have To Weigh To Be Print Model

Post your pants?! Always

Please ... of issues that this initiative "Il Foglio" is not true ...

"Tired of pornopolitica ? Bored by the chatter of the keyhole voyeur ? Then your dissent manifests showing your underwear .

Just send to Tgcom your photo or short video that portrays you your underwear more valuable in plain sight. This is to share the event promoted by the newspaper Il Foglio be held on Saturday 12 February at 10.30 am at Teatro Dal Verme in Milan . A meeting that the newspaper directed by Giuliano Ferrara considers "necessary" because "A Puritan Republic is illiberal and undemocratic." "

deeper than that, you just have to disappear.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Moped Battery Charge Time?

groped to gain acceptance?

must always necessarily about love? Always
still give birth to the sun?
E 'need to pretend to do good?
E 'necessary parties to give the roses?
must always necessarily about love? Always
still give birth to the sun?
E 'need to pretend to do good?
E 'necessary parties to give the roses?
Well, honestly I feel as well:
HATE - my neighbor who claim
HATE - the noise that causes
HATE - and this is a song about '
HATE - a human emotion and lasting
HATE - when they are exasperated
HATE - and I am not exaggerating
HATE - are genuinely proud
HATE - perhaps now a bit' too honest
hate - it's always awkward to talk about
HATE - it really seems to be the assholes
is really a paradox - perhaps it is better to let go
HATE - Masini and anxieties
HATE - and I feel all the feelings
HATE - in addition to loving and tolerate
HATE - when I should always lead to hate
groped to gain acceptance?
should always write only lyrics of love?
E 'whenever necessary to lie to our hearts?
would not be better and free confess? Always
groped to gain acceptance?
should always write only lyrics of love?
E 'whenever necessary to lie to our hearts?
not free and it would be better to confess?
Well, honestly I feel as well:
HATE - my neighbor who claim
HATE - the noise that causes
HATE - and this is a song about '
HATE - a human emotion and lasting
HATE - HATE when exasperated
- and I am not exaggerating
HATE - are genuinely proud
HATE - perhaps now a bit 'too honest
is always awkward to talk about - then it seems to be the assholes
is really a paradox - perhaps better let go
HATE - Masini and anxieties
HATE - and I feel all the feelings
HATE - more than loving and tolerate
HATE - when they bring me to hate


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Telehandler Craigslist

I can recommend a great radio?

http: / /

streaming works like a dream.
I love her playlist.
Always something new, something old.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sim City 4 No Cd Patch 638

Poultry spreads

Now I wonder from which powerful mix that gives rise to our insecurities, our fears, flaws and bogeys. My
mixture must be worthy of an alchemist than a lot out '.
I feel like a feather chicken smothered in Nutella.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Myths About Itchy Nose


I look outside and it is almost spring, the curtains are so full of light that seem to have been cast with chopped nectarine, good ones that mature in between late July and early August, in the yellow fields Pregnant and dancing right behind my house.

Throughout this poem I feel inside, in this whirlwind of passion and color, I would say go to hell but fever, you made me miss the show for Paolini, anxious for months with my subscription in theater hand, that force me into the house in two layers of cloth without wetting myself from the sun, you're making me postpone the use of my new telephoto lens for my beautiful camera that does not make me a decent celebrate 60 years - right now - my mom crazy, I've had to postpone forthcoming events connected with 5 highlight of the day my life.

With all my heart, in this whirlwind of passion and color, go to hell.

IN PHOTOS: tents so full of light that seem just been cast with chopped nectarine, good ones that mature in between late July and early August, in the yellow fields and pregnant dancing just behind my house.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How To Break In Danskos


While acknowledging some potential, I remain firmly opposed to this historic bitch.
I'm arguing with a friend on facebook instead thinks otherwise.

Son clever these leaguers.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How Old Is Susan Ursitti


Saturday, January 29, held in Pescara, at the Karate Academy Do, il secondo seminario, primo appuntamento del 2011, del Maestro Fabricio Nascimento .
L’allenamento è partito subito forte e l’intensità è rimasta molta alta per tutta la sua durata, con continui passaggi dalle fasi tecniche a quelle di condizionamento fisico. Nelle spiegazioni e nelle successive applicazioni delle tecniche, il Maestro Nascimento richiede, giustamente, un alto livello di attenzione e di densità del lavoro, con pause pressoché nulle.
La parte di condizionamento fisico è stata tutta incentrata sulla potenza resistente e, quindi, sul compiere gesti esplosivi quali balzi di diverso tipo, sprawl, tirate e spinte di braccia per molte ripetizioni nell’arco delle due ore training.
techniques show us you are equally divided between stocks up, specifically with a projection of the hip socket at the neck and control the opponent's sleeve and a projection made by the opponent's side of both ankles, and actions on the ground with two different tactics to apply an arm-lock to the opponent's arms.
At the end of training after the graduation of participants, was given a plaque to the Master Nascimento, in recognition of his important and popular sporting activity of brazilian jiu jitsu, by a representative of the Province of Pescara. The next event will take place during the month of February on a date to be defined shortly. Oss!

Silver Blanks For Stamping

The robbery

A colleague of mine yesterday was convolto in a robbery. A real robbery with gunfire, police ambush, one dead and a bit 'injuries.
And he was there, in traffic, mistaken for an inside guy with a gun on him, police in civilian clothes who shouted against, gunshots at two meters from her ass.
This morning was a bit 'pale, poor thing.

's a world on the other hand, in which the innocent guilty and the guilty are exchanged for Lambs.

... come Easter.