Friday, February 18, 2011

Irritation And Itchiness After Brazilian Wax

Last night I dreamed that a group of friends were following Silvio, the length and breadth of Italy, to frighten him.
Now, I feel like saying, if I had to chase Berlusca with all that energy that I used tonight for sure not only to scare him. Maybe I'll even put you on some magic potion for diarrhea lasting, a bit 'of abuse (I know, not civil, but they are human), an arrest in a big way. In short, something more meaningful.
But tonight we just wanted to make him afraid. Satisfaction that we are successful: the rivers of the ear mumbled unintelligible words (do you remember when Harry Potter talk to snakes?) demonic, guttural voice whispered, looking at him with bulging eyes and foaming at the mouth. Terrible, and in fact he cagava below. It cagava under a great deal.
I woke heart pounding, the supernatural scares me. But as I laughed, later, at dead of night, recalling the terror in his eyes.

Second round: they are in the country, but not a normal campaign. A world full of cartoon cats, crows, children climbing trees and straw that stings the feet. I ride a bit and are in the studios of Capital Radio, I request a song and they force me to choose another.

Thank goodness it's Friday. I am a bit 'Stanchina. Dear


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