Friday, December 31, 2010

The Best Of Free Zoophilia


Eppure quella voglia di mettere per iscritto pensieri e parole, incazzature, sogni e macchie mi resta, non va via. Questo blog è ancora qui, nonostante più volte sia andata col cursore sul pulsante "cancella blog". E' qui con tutte le parole scritte, con tutto il passato che si porta addosso. Un po' di passato lo cancello, appena finisco questo post. Mi era venuta l'ansia da prestazione, dover per forza scrivere qualcosa di interessante, di profondo...forse c'era troppa gente che seguiva questo diario non segreto. Adesso tornerà ad essere il mio quaderno degli appunti, magari lasciato un pò in giro, ma senza grosse pretese. Il puro piacere di sentire il ticchettìo delle dita sui tasti.
E buon 2011 a tutti, che il 2010 ha fatto quasi schifo.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Hypertension And Cellulitis

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Maestro Fabricio Nascimento

Nova Uniao Italy

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Spondylosis Dizziness Cervical

Ancora sul Collegato Lavoro: sollevata la questione di costituzionalità

Regarding the provision of Article 32, fifth paragraph of the Law 183-2010 and refraining from developing further consideration, I confine myself to submit to the recent order issued by the Court of Trani, according to the Labour Court, (December 20 2010), who considered admissible and not manifestly unfounded, raised the question of the constitutionality of that provision.
The arguments developed by the judge, in the body of that order, appear to this writer's opinion, legally correct, it deserved full membership.
addition, also seems appropriate to mention the recent ruling of the Court of Busto Arsizio (Case 528-2010) add to the character of the allowance referred to in that provision opening.
Chambers. Vincenzo Caponera Retelegale Rome

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Remy Hair Extensions Sally

Excellent results for the Nova Uniao Italy at the Italian Open 2010 Grappling

Sunday, December 19, under the umbrella of the Sports Hall Veduggio with rape (MB) was held in the Italian Grappling Open 2010.
number of athletes participating in spite of the unfavorable weather. The competition is carried out without too much delay and with a great organization.
Athletes of the Nova Uniao Italy have thrived by showing that the team is always stronger and more united. A special thanks to the instructor Cristian
Migovan the corner that followed all the athletes and of course the Master Fabricio Nascimento that although this was not due to stage the Romanian branch of Nova Uniao, all prepared to perfection. Oss!

Here are the results: 70 kg

3za series
George Noll - 1st place

75 kg 3za series
Pedercini Diego - 1 st place tremendous
David - 3rd
Luca Marullo
- lost in the quarter
Daniel - lost the first match points but has shown good progress since the first match only 75 kg

2nd series
Nicola Ferrari - 2 ° classified

80 kg 2nd series
Paul Cavaciocchi - 2nd place

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Why Is My Hair Thinning In The Front

National Report Stage Nova Uniao Italy 11/12/2010

was held Saturday, December 11 at the headquarters of the Nova Uniao Italy in Brescia, the national seminar which brings together all branches of our team.

participation, as always, was very numerous and had too many athletes involved in other martial arts but who regularly frequent stages of Maestro Fabricio Nascimento.
The first part was devoted to a good warm-up, followed by some very interesting techniques explained as always with maniacal precision by the Master that followed one by one all the athletes correct and perfect execution.
It is then passed to the final sparring in which everyone was able to deal with students of other branches belts and higher.
Finally, there were tests for the passage of a degree. Congratulations to all the new belts!

"The rally is not only served to reinforce the technical skills of students and instructors but also to strengthen this family that keeps growing, thanks to the contribution and enthusiasm of all athletes, trainers and especially one who is been able to create a team so successful, and combined what is the Nova Uniao Italy, Maestro Fabricio Nascimento.
To him goes the thanks of all his children (athletes, coaches and friends) because thanks to his professionalism, indisputable technical capacity and August, and above all sympathy is managed to create a formidable team, winning and respected everywhere. Oss Mestre "

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Funny Birthday Titles

Stage Fabricio Nascimento 'Academy of Martial Arts Rimini - 11/17/2010

Great Stage technician Fabricio Nascimento at 's Martial Arts Academy Rimini official seat of the Nova Uniao to Rimini.
Macrelli The instructor Roberto and Team Agonistica di Vale- Tudo ha potuto apprezzare le immense qualità tecniche e fisiche del Maestro Nascimento che ha spiegato esercizi e combinazioni di MMA per oltre dure ore.Oltre 30 atleti dell’ accademia hanno sostenuto un duro allenamento dove si alternavano tecniche in piedi e di Ground’n Pound. Erano presenti anche gli Istruttori Scavone Davide e Luigi insegnanti dell’Accademia Arti Marziali di Forlì.Il Maestro Nascimento periodicamente controlla l’Accademia di Rimini e l’operato del maestro Macrelli,lo sviluppo e la selezione ,della squadra di MMA-Valetudo.Altri stage di Submissione MMA, con il Mastro Nascimento, seguiranno nell’anno accademico 2010-2011.

Intercourse On Camera

Tournament MMA Combat League-11-2010-Grumello28

Successful dell'Nova-Uniao Academy of Martial Arts Tournament in Rimini MMA Fighter Mini Grumello.Il held in Frederick, Macrelli athlete coached by Roberto won the tournament organized by the COMBAT LEAGUE winning a place in the final which is take place in Rimini during the month of Maggio.L 'Rimini athlete after winning the FILA Tournament of submissions in Livorno on 10.17.2010, despite being the lightest in the category -70 kg, 66 kg in weight only accused, they won with two strong wins the Tournament Centre and North of MMA because of its excellent physical condition and his outstanding technical qualities of both feet on the ground.

Semifinal FEDERICO MINI VS Gianni Pennisi
After the first skirmish of hard blows up, the Fighter Rimini executed a perfect Take Down and then impose its domination on the ground and thanks to the excellent Ground'n Pound won the match in less than 1 minute and 30 for technical growth Kotla young athlete's physical-Romagna seemed immediately evident thanks to the work of his instructor MacrelliRoberto and supervision of the Master Fabricio Nascimentoma also spurring continuous with the supervision of experienced boxers and LORIS STICK former WBA world champion ever present 'Academy of Rimini

Final VS FEDERICO MINI Gianluca Pettenati
precedente.Dopo Fighting along the lines of a bloody start up the two contenders ended on the ground have not colpi.Ma spared the superiority of
FEDERICO MINI (nicknamed by the master FORTIGNO Nascimento) in ground combat did not allow his opponent to escape, thanks to the repeated sparring with the Brazilian Mauro Megalites, Jujitsu instructor of the Catholic, all this constantly ' Martial Arts Academy of Rimini and technical advice of the Olympic champion to fight the Greek-Roman collaborator of Maestro Vincenzo Maenza Macrelli.Infatti first took him on the side where the athlete Romagnolo HummerFist hit your opponent with repeated knees to the face and body, It then passes on the mountain where the second shot for over 20 Pettenati forcing the referee to suspend the meeting, handing victory and the title of the Young Fighter 'Accademia Rimini.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Irritation And Itchiness After Wax

Collegato lavoro: prime osservazioni sull'articolo 32, III° comma

As mentioned in previous posting, double decanza period (60 days from written notice of dismissal or by the statement of the grounds and the next term of 270 days within which the application is filed must be in Court) shall apply to all cases of dismissal invalid.
In this regard it is already clear that layoffs are disabled, according to the letter of the rule, means:
1 - the canceled license for lack of just cause or justifiable reason;
2 - nil or those layoffs discriminatory because of that intimacy and that intimacy marriage to her during the period of gestation.
It is excluded, however, that the above double decadenziale term affects them, even the dismissal hearing. The above interpretation
option, which is considered consistent with the letter of the rule, and this must be kept firm for the proper exegesis of Article 32, paragraph III, a) and b) for the reasons that we will be here soon .
Article 32, third paragraph, states:
"The provisions of Article 6 of Law No. 604 July 15, 1966, as amended by this Article shall also apply:
a) redundancies which require the resolution of issues qualification of the employment relationship or the legitimacy of the term applied to the contract
b) the withdrawal of the principal in collaboration coordinated and continuous, even in draft mode, referred to in Article 409, number 3), CCP. "
Now, quickly read the Article 32 letter a), one could argue that the two-term decadenziale (+270 60 days) is also applicable to dismissals (of course oral) intervened in an employment black (or reports in which, Because of the lack of formalization, it always asks the issuance of a preliminary investigation on the verge of qualification of the report).
In fact, in the opinion of the writer, this can reading is incorrect.
Indeed, assuming that the letter a), Article 32 provides for the application of double limitation period also oral redundancies, which intervened in the termination of an employment black, would lead to the irrationality of the system regulatory as well as an irreconcilable conflict with the principles already expressed by the Constitutional Court.
Therefore, using the known techniques of interpretation must be considered: 1
- twice the limitation period that invests exclusively layoffs invalids and intimacy in writing,
2 - that Article 32, third paragraph, letter a), refers to cases of intimate recesses in writing in formal employment relationship, however, assume that the resolution of issues concerning the traceability of the project in the mode of subordination, with the result that the worker or the worker must (because of the term in accordance with the present "within Livenza that ...") at the end of each contract of project work and in which there is a withdrawal in writing, provide both, to appeals within 60 days, the filing of the appeal in the next 270;
3 - that Article 32, third paragraph, letter b) reports, unlike the case in point a), the only event of withdrawal in collaboration, even in draft mode, in which there is no question raised on the qualifications of rapprto.

these conditions, in the opinion of the writer, it seems appropriate to continue the appeal to Article 32, paragraph III.
So that provision continues by stating:
"The provisions of Article 6 of Law No. 604 July 15, 1966 as amended by paragraph 1 of this Article shall also apply:
c) the transfer under Article 2103 cc and ending after the date of receipt of notice of transfer;
d) the action for revocation of the term applied to the employment contract, in accordance with Articles 1, 2 and 4 of Legislative Decree 6 September 2001, No. 368, and amended, commencing with the expiry of that term. "
Moreover, continuing the call of the measure, following the fourth paragraph:
"The provisions of Article 6 of Law July 15, 1966, No. 604, as amended by paragraph 1 of this article applications simultaneously including:
a) contracts of employment term stipulated under Articles 1, 2 and 4 of Legislative Decree no. September 6, 2001, No. 368, in progress at the date of entry into force of this Act with effect from the expiry of the period;
b) contracts work completed, stipulated in the application of the law that existed prior to September 6, 2001 Decree No 368 and completed prior to the entry into force of this Act, with effect from that date of entry into force of this Act ;
c) alla cessione di contratto di lavoro avvenuta ai sensi dell'articolo 2112 c.c. con termine decorrente dalla data di trasferimento;
d) in ogni altro caso in cui, compresa l'ipotesi prevista dall'articolo 27 del D.lgs 10 settembre 2003 n. 276 si chieda la costituzione o l'accertamento di un rapporto di lavoro in capo a un soggetto diverso dal titolare del contratto".

Alla luce di tali disposizioni, chi scrive potrebbe anche ritenere costituzionalmente legittimo il termine di decadenza apposto ai licenziamenti invalidi, avendo la Corte Costituzionale già affermato la legittimità del termine di decadenza previsto per i soli casi di licenziamento, stante l'esistenza di un provvedimento espulsivo e il conseguente interesse della parte working to rapidly define the question concerning the asserted illegality of the act of dismissal.
But in other cases?
Article 32, third and fourth paragraphs (in so far provides twice decadenziale term in the event of reports to the project, individual trasferimernti, transfer company or its branch, the nullity of the term and irregular administration) to good to see you moving in two directions.
First, increase the difficulty of the action, to protect their rights, working for the party;
Second grant, the party giver, a possible amnesty, arising from any breach of the terms decadenziali, while in the presence of invalid measures.
Against this background, the constitutionality of the legislation appears, in the opinion of the writer, at least doubtful. Indeed
Doubtful, in point of contracts, is the keeping of that legislation in the light of that community and the principle laid down by the Constitutional Court ruling in footnote 314-2009.
Doubtful, in point of transfer of individual or company or a branch, it is the keeping of the law, where there provides for the same period in constant relationship is not supported by stability. Questionable
appears as a whole, the entire estate if there legislation provides only for employees, limitation periods are not provided, to the knowledge of the writer, for any other cases challenging the contracts invalid. Questionable
Finally, the estate appears to Article 32, fourth paragraph, letter d) because of its failure to identify from which the term shall commence on the decline.

Chambers. Vincenzo Caponera, Network legal Rome

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Diane 35 Can Result Breast Enhancement

Collegato lavoro: prime osservazioni sull’articolo 32, I° e II° comma

First observations on Article 32, paragraph I and II

" Article 32.

(Forfeiture and provisions on fixed-term employment contract)
1. The first and second paragraphs of Article 6 of Law July 15, 1966, No 604, are replaced by the following:
"The dismissal must be challenged under penalty of forfeiture within sixty days after receipt of a notice in writing, or communication, also in writing, of the reasons, if not simultaneously, by any written document, including the courts, such as to make known the will of the worker also through the direct intervention of the union to challenge the dismissal.

The appeal is ineffective unless it is followed by the next term of two hundred seventy days from filing the appeal in the clerk of the court on the basis of an employment tribunal or by notifying the other party's request to attempt to conciliation or arbitration firm precluding the possibility of producing new documents formed after the filing of the appeal.
If conciliation or arbitration required to be withheld or not reached the necessary agreement to its completion, the application should be submitted to the court under penalty of forfeiture within sixty days from the refusal or failure to agree. "

" 2. The provisions of Article 6 of Law July 15, 1966, No 604, as amended by paragraph 1 of this Article shall also apply to all cases of invalidity of the dismissal. "

* ° *

Article 32, new Article 6 of Law 604-1966, provides, in contrast to the previously existing provision, a two-term decadenziale accident on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe dismissal invalid.

Given this forecast, there is, immediately prior to the interpreter, the problem of defining the area of \u200b\u200bdismissal invalid, because only through this pre-definition, it is possible to identify cases for which there, on pain of forfeiture, the burden of appeal and operating under the terms of the statutory threshold.

Certainly, in the opinion of the writer, the burden of appeal is not orally active in the event of dismissal notice, military, in support of this reading, two distinct topics:

1 - dismissal oral notice is, as is well known genus due to the inefficient, unproductive since it legal effect. The inefficiency term, which originally appeared in conjunction with the category of disability, in the original formulation of the standard, does not appear in the text of the law, here in a comment.

2 - The first paragraph dell’articolo 32 si riferisce espressamente ai licenziamenti comunicati in forma scritta, con conseguente inapplicabilità della norma e, indi, del doppio termine decadenziale, a tutti i casi in cui il licenziamento sia stato intimato verbalmente.

Risolto, positivamente, tale aspetto, resta irrisolto il problema dell’esatta individuazione dell’area dei licenziamenti invalidi.

A mio modo di vedere l’area dell’invalidità comprende non solo, i casi di licenziamento intimati per giusta causa o giustificato motivo ma anche, la categoria dei licenziamenti nulli, essendo l’area della nullità ricompresa in quella dell’invalidità.

Therefore, with the provision here under review must be challenged within 60 days (and then the appeal must be filed within 270 days, on pain of invalidity of the appeal itself) all zero redundancies, including given that intimate discriminatory grounds, for reasons of marriage or that intimate the worker in a state of gestation.

For these categories of licenses or, in the category of dismissal void and that intimacy for just cause and for good reason, should be paid by the worker, the greatest attention because, with effect from November 24 2010, will enter into force on the double decadenziale term of 60 to 270 days.

Otherwise, like the oral dismissal, is not subject to the new provision for dismissal of the case beyond the period of acting, dry or by summation (or time limit provided for in the various CCNL of legitimate absence from work due to illness), it is not classified in terms of objective justification.

Chambers. Vincenzo Caponera Retelegale Rome

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indennità sostitutiva delle ferie e decorrenza della prescrizione

Court of Rome, Case 11210-010

Al regard, given that it is common ground between the parties that the employment relationship is supported by real stability, resulting in placement of the starting date of commencement of the period in constant employment for loans that mature with this timing, there is in fact ... for which the allowance in lieu of leave not taken is not made any prescription-is that the term you want to consider a five-year, considering the claim at issue of a contractual nature, sia che lo si voglia considerare di natura decennale, ponendosene invece in rilievo la natura risarcitoria-, posto che il diritto alla monetizzazione delle ferie sorge solo all’atto della risoluzione del rapporto di lavoro …”.

* ° *

Corretta appare, ad opinione di chi scrive, la pronuncia resa dal Tribunale Ordinario di Roma, in funzione di giudice del lavoro, per le ragioni che da qui a breve verranno sviluppate.

L’articolo 10, dell’impianto normativo 66-2003, attutivo della direttiva comunitaria 93-104 e 2000-34, prevede, al primo e al secondo comma, che: “ this period should be enjoyed for at least two consecutive weeks in the case of the worker's request during the year of vesting and the remaining two weeks in the 18 months following the calendar year of maturation. The predicted minimum period of 4 weeks can not be replaced by its allowances for leave not taken, except in the event of termination of employment .

Moreover, the Court of Justice, also recently [1] [2] , ha affermato che “ nel momento in cui cessa il rapporto di lavoro non è più possibile l’effettiva fruizione delle ferie annuali retribuite. Per evitare che, a causa di detta impossibilità, il lavoratore non riesca in alcun modo a beneficiare di tale diritto, neppure in forma pecuniaria, l’art. 7, n. 2, della direttiva 2003-88 riconosce al l avoratore il diritto ad una indennità finanziaria.

Applicando tali principi ai rapporti lavorativi di lunga durata e caratterizzati da stabilità reale, è possibile risolvere la problematica afferente l’individuazione the fate of holidays accrued but not taken during the 18 months following the calendar year of maturation.

problem that does not appear to be irrelevant because, first, the rise of entitlement to replacement only at the time of termination and, secondly, the lack of recognition, the party workers, the right -power of self-assigned leave accrued but not taken.

Therefore, trying to provide a solution to the problem of interpretation in question, it is believed that if the entitlement to substitute for express provision of law, there is solo al momento della risoluzione del rapporto lavorativo, la prescrizione, qualsivoglia sia la natura del diritto alla predetta indennità, non potrà che iniziare a decorrere dal momento della cessazione del rapporto lavorativo, essendo quest’ultimo coincidente con il momento in cui il diritto può essere fatto valere. Tale soluzione esegetica, a cui la pronuncia in commento aderisce, appare ad opinione di chi scrive, sincrona con il dettato normativo che impone ed ancora, rispettivamente, la fruizione delle ferie maturate al termine prescritto e il sorgere del diritto all’indennità sostitutiva al momento della risoluzione del rapporto lavorativo.

avv. Vincenzo Caponera Retelegale Roma

[1] Corte di Giustizia 20 gennaio 2009, cause riunite C-350/06 e C-520/06

[2] La Corte di Cass. a sez. unite, 24712-2008, aveva già affermato, su fattispecie precedente al D.lgs 66-2003, che: “ le ferie non sono monetizzabili nel corso del rapporto di lavoro, stante la irrinunciabilità del diritto alla loro effettiva fruizione, onde il diritto alla indennità sostitutiva non può che sorgere alla fine del rapporto

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ho To Correct Underbite

facelift without plastic surgery, various methods

The facelift is one of aesthetic plastic surgery in the world with more produced the breast and liposuction. However, not all patients are willing to resort to the surgeon to stretch wrinkles and to rejuvenate and fight the signs of aging. Today, the techniques to get a face lift without surgery are there and provide excellent results, with the difference that often are temporary.

While the temporary effects of anti-aging is an evil because we want to resolve once and for all our blemishes, remove wrinkles without having to always go back to the dermatologist or a specialist, from 'the other is a guarantee for us. If the surgery goes wrong, if the effects on our face are not as we wish they were, we know that after a few months everything will be as before. An intervention sbagliato di lifting viso non si corregge, oppure si corregge con un'altra operazione. Ciò rende tutto complicato e ci spaventa. Quindi di nuovo sotto i ferri, nuova anestesia ed un nuovo esborso economico. Ecco perchè stanno prendendo sempre più piede i filler temporanei, quelli che riducono o eliminano le rughe per un tempo prestabilito, che rendono il volto più giovane "a scadenza", dopodichè possono essere fatti nuovamente. Attenzione però a non esagerare a diventare "addicted" come dicono gli americani, ossessivi per i ritocchi.

Vediamo da vicino gli interventi di lifting del viso senza l'utilizzo della chirurgia plastica:
is derived from botulinum toxin, in Italy it is commonly known as "Botox." Poisonous substance that has the ability to paralyze the muscles. Initially, because of this characteristic was used for those who had tics on the face. Once injected into the affected part of the tic botox paralyzes the muscle. By the same token is used throughout the world for aesthetic medicine, to smooth out wrinkles, especially those in the front. The botox paralyzes and relaxes expression lines and wrinkles when injected.
The duration of the 'effect of Botox is about 3-5 months, the costs are very affordable, starting from 150-200 €, it all depends on the amount used.

-Hyaluronic acid:
the actual operation of botox. Is injected into the face where there are no wrinkles, but also the dimples. It 's a filler filler which also gives a sense of fullness to the face. L ' hyaluronic acid is already present in our body and is responsible for the' elasticity of the skin. Again the effects are limited in time, you can also get to 8-10 months. Cost a bit 'higher than the botulinum toxin, a session with hyaluronic acid to improve the appearance of the face costs on average € 500.

Thermage-lifting effect:
is a technique that uses laser and radiofrequency. The laser in this case is used to better secure the collagen in the dermis. The radio frequency is used in dermatology for many years and is a guarantee of success. The prices are higher than thermage botox and hyaluronic acid, are about 1000 € for a seat for the face.

is an orthodontic appliance to the teeth. He invented an English dentist who has registered the name and patent. The specialist said that the facial muscles over time tend to fall as makes the jaw. This decrease causes relaxation of the skin and formation of wrinkles and drooping cheeks. The Oralift is a "bite" to wear an hour a day over time pulls on the jaw causing a facelift.

-creams for the face lifting effect:
on the market now there are hundreds of creams that promise miracles. What is the best cream for the face lifting effect? It is not easy, you should try them all and decide which is best for your face. The trick that we can take at the time of 'purchase is to check the amount of hyaluronic acid present in the same, more is better will yield, although the effects of topical application on the skin are very mild compared to more invasive surgery such as Botox injections or hyaluronic acid.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Eastern Bmx Traildigger

How does the laser eye operation

The history of eyeglasses has its roots in the Middle Ages and within the confines of Venice where, almost by chance, the "glass wall", artisans engaged in the processing of rock crystal, invented the so-called "glass to read." Over the centuries, the glasses have added precision lenses and design to your look, and have been accompanied by increasingly more comfortable contact lenses. Even the technology and fashion but have managed to lose their definition of "accessories", this term the perception of "foreign objects" on the part of many people with vision problems like myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Although essential, glasses and contact lenses because they are often experienced as "other" as necessary in order to see clearly but "cumbersome". It is no coincidence that more and more people decide to turn to the only available solution to finally say goodbye to glasses and lenses, the refractive surgery .

A study made history
Although not so "Old" like glasses, studies on refractive surgery today can boast 100 years of life (in Italy came in 1990), during which scholars have succeeded to find the best technique of definitive correction of refractive defects eye. Over the decades we have moved from the extraction of the lens for the correction of myopia incisional techniques (cheratomia radial), the techniques of keratomileusis to the more modern use of the excimer laser and femtosecond solid state lasers, as well as to new intraocular lenses, also called "phakic IOL". The refractive defects of vision are due to a lack of focus images on the retina. These defects are corrected by the laser, which acts by changing the shape of the corneal surface and thus creating a sort of "slow organic" remedy.
Very often, rely on refractive surgery, the young people who do not live peacefully on their relationship with eyeglasses and contact lenses. In addition there are also those who have strong visual defects or defects in one eye and one very unbalanced, suffering from intolerance to contact lenses, or carry out work activities where the use of lenses is a problem.

A laser beam to the eye for every need
Nowadays, technology has made available different techniques of surgeons to perform refractive surgery, all share one element: the laser. There are in fact different techniques, each with its own characteristics: the technique " PRK" in which the excimer laser is used, the " LASEK, very similar to the first and the treatment" LASIK "the technology Innovative uses the Intralase femtosecond laser as it has completely replaced the use of micricheratomo blade used in Lasik.
Today the intervention of visual defects such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism can be corrected safely and accurately by using two lasers: the femtosecond laser, Intralase, for the separation of a thin layer of the cornea and the excimer laser for photoablation of corneal tissue for refractive correction of the defect.
This method is called The FEMTO-LASIK or LASIK is so precise and safe even NASA, the American Space Agency, has accepted as a safe intervention that can undergo the pilots and astronauts.

Since 2007, Dr Claudio Lucchini, Milan ophthalmologist expert in refractive surgery, has introduced the I-LASIK as a routine operation to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, but explains that the view is essential preoperative to assess if the patient can or may not be operated with this technique.
During the visit, the surgeon can collect a series of data as the measurement of visual defect, corneal topography, or the curvature of the cornea's surface, measure the thickness of the cornea and the pupil diameter. The operation is relatively simple, and takes place under local anesthesia without hospitalization and with the application of anesthetic eye drops. In most cases the intervention has definitive effects, time to get perfect vision to 10/10 are very short, three days with the I-LASIK and in the absence of pain, about ten days and with a certain discomfort with PRK and LASEK.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Service Disconnection Letter

legittimazione ad agire nel procedimento di repressione di condotta antisindacale: una questione ancora aperta?

- Legittimazione ad agire nel procedimento ex articolo 28 Stat. Lav.: una questione ancora aperta?

La Corte di Cassazione, con la recente sentenza del 04 marzo 2010 n. 5209 (in Guida al Lavoro n. 18-2010), ha affermato che: “In tema di rappresentatività sindacale il criterio legale dell’effettività dell’azione sindacale equivale al riconoscimento della capacità del sindacato di imporsi come controparte contrattuale nella regolamentazione dei rapporti lavorativi. Ne consegue that the granting of a national union-association required to legitimize the actions of anti-union repression art. 28 Stat. Lav .- is relevant, rather than the spread of geographical locations, the ability to contract with the employers' side agreements or collective agreements, including management, which are used all over the country and attest to a general and widespread connection with the context of the union socio-economic whole country .... "
The principle established by the Court's Legitimacy, in the above decision, it appears to this writer's opinion persuasive.
the light of that non-adherence, it is, then, should clarify the reasons for criticism.
* ° *
Judge Laws [1] , long time ago, had to point out that "ensuring the free development of a normal dialectic union is guaranteed by the Charter, not only through the prohibition of trade unions of convenience ( art. 17), but also and especially through the fundamental instrument of repression of the anti-union conduct of the employer under Article 28, the use of which requires a national one-size-organization, in order not to be tied .... the conclusion of collective agreements, specific areas of operation also allows organizations who dissent from the majority trade union policies pursued a quel livello. …”.
La Corte Costituzionale, dunque, con la anzidetta pronuncia, ha avuto modo di chiarire che il filtro selettivo richiesto, ai fini dell’azionabilità della procedura di repressione, è ben meno gravoso di quello richiesto (ex art. 19 Stat. Lav.) per la costituzione delle rappresentanze sindacali aziendali e indi per l’accesso alla legislazione di sostegno.
Appare, allora, evidente che svincolare il requisito della nazionalità, richiesto dall’articolo 28 S.L., dalla stipulazione di contratti collettivi, non può che equivalere al riconoscimento che gli articoli 19 e 28 Stat. Lav. hanno distinti ambiti di operatività e che, indi, l’accesso alla speciale tutela, per la repressione della condotta antisindacale, è basato su un filtro selettivo diverso da quello richiesto dall’articolo 19 S.L..
L’anzidetto principio, oltre ad essere stato reiteratamente affermato in una alluvionale produzione giurisprudenziale, è stato recentemente ribadito anche dalla Corte di nomofilachia [2] , la quale, sul punto, ha affermato che:
“su tale questione gli orientamenti espressi sono stati univoci nel senso di ritenere sussistente la legittimazione attiva di sindacati non maggiormente rappresentativi sul piano nazionale, … essendo determinante il requisito della diffusione del sindacato (anche monocategoriale) sul territorio nazionale, dovendosi però intendere tale diffusion in the sense that it is enough to carry out effective trade union action (not all but) over most of the country (Cass. October 17, 1990 No 10114, April 20, 2002 No 5765, August 7, 2002 No 11833, February 26, 2004 No. 3917, June 3, 2004 No 10616, January 10, 2005 No. 269). ... On the specific question of the legitimacy of organizations that have not only limited to a predetermined end of the profession of their business, and thus targeted to bind and protect workers in general, the solution, in principle, must be positive. In this direction lay the lack of textual elements of the legislation to the contrary, freedom of trade unions to choose the way they organize that work, and, finally, the fact that the lack of a single reference category does not exclude that in a presumptive and trend, the national dimension ensures the functioning of choices, trade-union action, more knowledgeable, rational and therefore, more likely, function to protect the interests of workers. ... The character interbranch trade union association, however, may have reflected some specific issue in the investigation of adequate dissemination of the same territory. On the basis of the principle, taken from the same constitutional case law cited above, that, as regards the right to appeal under article. 28 SL requires the presence of a union with a minimum of representativeness is not restricted to a local, but spread throughout the national territory, where it is found the target group of the union itself, in principle, the minimum presence in the area of interbranch a union must be regarded in absolute terms, higher than those required for a trade association. However, in its practical application, that claim must be correlated with the principle that the representation required by Article. 28 Stat. Lav. is, as mentioned above, a much less demanding requirement than the more representative. ... "In light
of that principle, the Court reaffirmed the United Sections, it seems that selective filter required by 28 Stat. Lav. found to be satisfied, when there, the trade union organization, spread throughout Italy, conducted an industrial action extended over most of the country and union activity, which is not identified and not being able to identify only the conclusion of a collective agreement, may well Therefore, develop, due to its versatility in a variety of forms, including the holding of general strikes or national category, the holding of meetings, the production of platform of demands, the organization of conferences, the presentation of notes and observations on the Commission to guarantee so.
these principles which are guidance rather than consolidated, and so that recently the Supreme Court [3] had the opportunity to reiterate that the agendum legittimatio to compete with trade unions over the territory and carrying out trade union activities, not all but a large part of the national territory, "to promote the interests of workers, in favor of which is directed, locally, the action of individual local bodies."
These deep-rooted principles, which lends itself to full membership, it opposes a policy that considers [4] that "national expression dell’attività sindacale è la stipula di contratti collettivi di quel livello”.
Si tratta di un orientamento che sembra in contrasto con i principi elaborati, dapprima, dalla Corte Costituzionale e, successivamente, ribaditi dalla Corte di Cassazione a Sezioni Unite [5] .
Infatti, l’asserire che il requisito della nazionalità si identifica nella stipulazione con un contratto collettivo nazionale equivale a fornire un’interpretazione dei criteri selettivi di cui all’articolo 28 Stat. Lav. ben più rigorosi di quelli attualmente richiesti dall’articolo 19 della 300-1970, essendo sufficiente, ai fini della costituzione della r.s.a., la sottoscrizione di un contratto di secondo level.
Obviously, this is antithetical to that principle, enshrined in the Constitutional Court and the Court of nomofilachia, "that the representation required by Article. 28 Stat. Lav. is, as mentioned above, a much less demanding requirement than the more representative. "
So much so that two rulings of the Supreme Court [6] , including the opening, while placing himself in the wake of the aforesaid decision, have tried to correct the above guidance, including the category of collective agreements relevant for the purposes of legitimacy, even those managerial (albeit a different direction received to exclude the collective nature of the source): "to the recognition of trade union national association is relevant, rather than the spread of the territorial structures of the association, the ability to contract with the employers' side agreements or collective agreements that apply throughout the national territory "or" management of a collective agreement ... because the force, or to help with negotiations to make his conduct applicable throughout the country, the rules dictated by this contract is a sign of a decisive and concrete effectiveness of its special bargaining power ... It 's been held by this Court of Cassation that the rules provided in the Management Agreements are intended to delimit the scope of power of employer contributing to regulate important aspects of the employment relationship ... These agreements also express ... the negotiating capacity of the signatory trade unions, which is a prerequisite for recognition of the right of the latter to form rsa (as Cass. September 24, 2004 No 19271).
However, it appears that this approach lends itself to the same objections of his previous one as it is contrary to the principle developed by the Constitutional Court and the Court of nomofilachia, the substance in making the requirement for access to the procedure, a former art. 28 Stat. Lav., ben più gravoso del filtro richiesto dall’articolo 19 Stat. Lav..
In conclusione, riepilogati i diversi orientamenti, si ritiene, per le ragioni esplicitate, che il principio elaborato dalla Corte di Cassazione a sezione unite appaia preferibile essendo ben aderente all’osservazioni avanzate dalla Corte Costituzionale e allo stesso testo normativo.
Retelegale Roma V. Caponera

[1] Corte Costituzionale 24 marzo 1988 n. 334

[2] Corte di Cassazione a sezione unite 21 dicembre 2005 n. 28269
[3] C. Cass. 06 giugno 2006 n. 13250; 14 marzo 2006 n. 5506
[4] C. Cass. 23 marzo 2006 n. 6429

[5] Constitutional Court March 24, 1988 No 334; Supreme Court on December 21, 2005 No section, together 28269

[6] C. Cass. January 11, 2008 No 520, No. 9 January 2008 212. Both drawn from the same extender.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Landmark Buffet Coupons

me a little 'advertising

Vi presento la Piccola Orchestra Malarazza

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Truck Bed Slide Out Plans

Tattoo removal is not always easy

not always easy to remove tattoos. Especially if you have been made recently and if they have certain colors in the drawing. This is revealed by Italian dermatologists who have gathered for the 85th National Congress of the Italian Society of Dermatology medical, surgical, aesthetic and sexually transmitted diseases (SIDEMAST) in Rimini. Doctors have drawn up the Italian guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases, a single document to indicate with precision the profile of the most common diseases, indicating in each situation what are the steps to be done to recognize them and treat them in accordance with the the latest scientific knowledge.
The guidelines make the point Removal of tattoos by laser indicating that not all tattoos can be deleted easily. There are a laser wavelength that clear colors such as yellow and white , specialists say, and is very difficult to eliminate even the flesh-colored or brown used for permanent makeup, as it is more complicated than a tattoo removed recently because the concentration of pigment within the skin is greater than those made years earlier. Who wants to remove a tattoo is advised, is not so easy.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Communication Board For Stroke Patient

In reality then things went differently

e ve lo racconto mangiando una per nulla dietetica torta al cioccolato confezionata, sempre dal mio regno della polvere.
All'incirca un paio di settimane dopo il mio post, un chitarrista-cantantautore di uno dei gruppi che ho invitato a suonare per il museo del mio paesello quest'estate, inizia a parlarmi via chat (chattuliare, dico ormai). Parola dopo parola, giorno dopo giorno, si interessa a me e fa la mezza pazzia di buttarsi in un incontro al buio (o quasi) venendo a trovarmi una domenica sera qualsiasi.
Dopo i primi minuti di imbarazzo, ci siamo trovati a parlare di noi come se ci conoscessimo da una vita e a fine serata parlavamo di quello che cerchiamo in una storia e prima che partisse, l'ho tirato per il colletto e l'ho baciato.
Ci siamo rivisti tre giorni dopo, e il quarto giorno era chiaro che stavamo insieme...troppo presto? Aspettare cosa? Perchè? :)
Adesso stanno per passare tre mesi, tre mesi splendidi, tre mesi in cui ho capito che è la persona giusta (ma in realtà l'avevo capito da subito). Tre mesi in cui ho cacciato via le paure (anche se ancora qualche briciola rimane) che mi aveva lasciato addosso la mia storia precedente con cui vi ho tediato abbondantemente. E parliamo di famiglia, senza averne paura. Parliamo di quanto sarà beautiful when we live together (maybe next summer ... as soon as we settle with the work).
I feel honored, I feel lucky, and although sometimes I realize that, in theory, it is too early for all this confidence, I am seriously endangering my mental well-being (even if he were to finally reveal a coward ) and my future ability to trust anyone else ... go now, because there is only one reason that justifies my fears, my least hesitation. And I come back to drown in all that love ... how beautiful ^ _ ^

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Fluttering Upper Left Abdomen

Cryotherapy for skin in dermatology

What is cryotherapy for skin? Cryotherapy is defined as the dermatological treatment of skin lesions, or lighten stains face, mucous membranes and through the freezing of tissues in the dermis. To this end, in the first half of the century was used as dry ice or dry ice mixed with acetone, dermocorrettivi effects or for the treatment of nodular or warty lesions. In the 60's. with the availability of liquid nitrogen probes and monitoring instruments, was born the modern cryosurgery, which has greatly developed in recent decades with special techniques and tools that allow a true controlled freezing of tissues. Today, although some tools use nitrous oxide, nitrogen remains the preferred cryogenic liquid from dermatologist , for its ease of application, for its versatility and because it is the only one that allows adequate skin cancer crionecrosi

How does cryotherapy:
The cold causes cell necrosis through sequence of mechanisms that can be summarized:
1) formation of intracellular ice crystals that cause the mechanical cell lysis
2) abnormal cellular concentration of electrolytes leading to irreversible changes in the pH of the skin
3) formation of ice crystals in extracellular spaces , increasing the osmotic gradient and a call from the cell of water that ends up collapsed:
4) thermal shock with altered lipoprotein phones. The local circulatory changes
complete necrosis district. In fact, when the local temperature drops to -50 ° C are carried out phenomena of stasis, venous thrombosis and capillary tissue. The amount of

crionecrosi, and that of the vascular changes depend on many factors such as:
1) freezing time
2) time to thaw
3) amplitude of the halo of frost perilesional
4) duration of exposure of cells at temperatures well below freezing:
5) minimum temperatures reached in the target tissue.
has been shown that rapid freezing promotes the formation of intracellular ice, while a slow freezing promotes that of the extracellular ice.

The dermatologist then thanks to the 'action of liquid nitrogen will burn your imperfections that will soon become necrotic, forming a crust, which soon fall. It better not take the sun on the exposed side for at least a month.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Where Can I Buy A Snoop Dogg Blue Bandana Jacket?

Versamento dei contributi sindacali a favore delle organizzazioni non firmatarie: una ulteriore conferma

The Court of Rome, 2644-2010 with the ruling, confirmed the address giuresprudenziale (of which we took note in the previous note) that recognizes the full usability for the purposes of payment of contributions by unions, in favor of non- signatory of the institution of credit transfer.
In fact, the Presidential Decree 180-1950, as news, not by banning the sale of the usability of the institution, we only put in place a different regulation of the supply of credit, depending on the cause of the sale is attributable to the payment of cash or loans to pay other debts.
In this regard, the Court of Rome, making the exegesis of that DPR, lucidly observes:
"the new legislation has therefore introduced a general ban on the supply of credit to pay ... but nature has only made more rigid for employees, public and private, in relation to supplies of duisciplina salary aimed extinction of cash borrowings to the clear order to counter the phenomenon of wear. The assumption of the loan is not, however, the only possible assignment of the claim, as shows the prediction
...". Article 52 In light of that decision, can therefore be regarded as guidance giuresprudenziale majority recognizes that, despite the validity of the News DPR 180 of 1950, the usability of the instrument of transfer, for the payment of union contributions to those organizations that have failed to sign the National Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Legal Network Rome Vincenzo Caponera

Friday, February 19, 2010

Cervical Mucus At 5 Weeks

awful, awful, the witches are back! Funny Scene from the past

This I hope will be the last post "sentimental," because when the problems started with my former have become boring to myself.
After that story ended, badly, probably because of compensation, I found myself in the arms of a type still mentally in the early 50's when these parts are still believed that to go to bed a woman had to court her, as if the physical demands were not equal for both men and women. This mingling has left me on a little sadness, a bit of disappointment (as if that was not enough left me on the history from which I was leaving), but at least I was further away, mentally and emotionally from my ex . And so I say it's really over. But enough is enough. I do not need
di compensare alcunchè, se avrò voglia di massaggi e coccole credo che ricorrerò a un centro benessere (non come Bertolaso, intendiamoci), se avrò voglia di compagnia ricorrerò ai miei adorati amici. Per il resto sono assolutamente indipendente dall'affetto maschile, e preferisco per un bel pò tornare a "sentire" gli uomini come qualche anno fa, prima della mia "storia importante", senza dargli troppo peso, troppa importanza. Prendere quello che capita, se capita, quando capita, con tutta la leggerezza possibile. E trovarmi un amico di letto.
Alzata con pugno is back!

Monday, February 8, 2010

It Feela Like Stomach Acid Is Burning My Throa

The body scanner is bad for your health

The body scanner is bad for your health, the new X-ray inspection system already installed in some airports would be detrimental and passengers should be warned of the risks to be exposed to high levels of radiation. The Bloomberg reveals that emphasizes pregnant women and children should not pass through the body scanner .
L'Inter Agengy statunitense che si occupa della sicurezza sul territorio si difende affermando che le dosi di radiazione sono " estremamente basse " ma il dottore inglese Michael Clark raggiunto telefonicamente suggerisce che " ci sono un po' di dubbi circa il fatto che i raggi x del sistema backscatter 3d siano bassi ". "La questione è che se anche le dosi fossero basse c'è ancora la necessità per alcuni paesi di giustificare queste esposizioni ".
Il bodyscanner con tecnologia 3d backscatter fornisce un'imagine tridimensionale in 8 secondi di una persona che passa attraverso la macchina. Questa tecnologia ha però sollevato anche problemi di privacy, produce immagini of the naked body. According to the
bodyscanner release less radiation than that absorbed during a flight. The passenger "scanned" from 0.1 to 5 microsieverts absorb radiation compared to 30 in which prenderebe Frankoforte a flight from Bangkok. The airports of Amsterdam, Heathrow and Manchester are those in Europe have installed the bodyscanner or plan to do so.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Culo De Jenifer Lopez

Having sex is good, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Having an active sex life and smooth, about twice a week is good, it helps to protect the hearts of men. Men who have sex regularly, in fact, up to 45% less likely to develop heart disease than those che fanno l'amore una volta al mese. Non si può ancora dire che lo stesso valga per le donne. Ora i ricercatori americani, che hanno effettuato l'indagine, chiedono ai medici di vagliare l'attività sessuale dei pazienti al momento di valutare il rischio di malattie cardiache. Anche se a lungo il sesso è stato considerato un toccasana per la salute fisica e mentale, sono stati pochi gli studi scientifici condotti per dimostrare i benefici che frequenti rapporti possono avere su malattie importanti come quelle del cuore. I ricercatori del New England Research Institute, nel Massachusetts, hanno seguito l'attività sessuale di uomini tra i 40 e i 70 anni, che stavano prendendo parte a un progetto a lungo termine chiamato 'Massachusetts Male Ageing Study ', which began in 1987. Blood samples, physiological measures, socio-demographic, psychological indices, and information on health, drugs, smoking and lifestyle were collected and taken by interviewers who thoughtlessness visited the homes of the subjects. A self-administered questionnaire on 'sexual activity was used to characterize the power dysfunction.
Obviously, the more variable 'due to the onset of' sexual impotence was found to be that of 'age. Another variable was that of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, depression, fumo, colesterolo alto. Tenute quindi conto le differenze tra paziente e paziente i ricercatori hanno trovato livelli di immunoglobulina A o IgA, molecole coinvolte nella risposta immunitaria dell'organismo umano, piu' alti tra chi praticava sesso tutte le settimana.
Un precedente studio del National Cancer Institute aveva sottolineato come anche la masturbazione riducesse lo sviluppo di cancro alla prostata.